Rebecca was a repressed teenager who became the perfect preacher's wife for 15 years. But dissatisfaction with her uneventful life leads her into adventures on a nude beach in Greece, to jobs in the African bush -- no pun intended -- to Bangkok, the sex capital of the world, and to experiments with group sex and brotherly love.
Danielle's fertile imagination and erotic fantasies draw her into a world of wicked pirates and cruel kings. One minute she's a captured princess, the next she's a tavern wench. Whichever character she plays, the men in her fantasy want to take advantage of her body, much to her delight. When her imagination intrudes on the real world, how is Dani going to explain all this to her real life friends?
Jake Anderson's shuttle crashes on an unknown planet that he believes is uninhabited. Alie is the only other person on the planet and she hates men, with good reason. How will they find common ground? Can Jake ease Alie's loneliness?
A Molly, Jacob, and Camden Story (1) Molly wants to know more about sex, but can't find satisfying answers. She suggests her twin brother, Jacob, and her best friend, Camden, join her on a quest to explore and learn the mysteries together. In one short weekend, they discover more than they ever expected.
It was a mystery that she had to solve. Who was sending these Valentines, and why? Two mature people still searching for each other after all these years. A Valentine's Day tale of romance, duty, sacrifice, and love.
Ellen and Agnes are schoolmates. The bus taking them home gets stranded during a blizzard and the girls are alone with the driver. When the driver goes for help, the girls are totally alone. Neither suspects the others secret desire.
Something has happened, killing off most of the world. A small handful of people struggle to survive the aftermath and build a new life for themselves. (Note: Story Codes include acts from future chapters.) / (Reviews)
An attractive and intelligent young high school girl is blackmailed into allowing herself to be abused and humiliated by a female classmate, as well as her classmate's friends and assorted strangers.