A story in the Jenny's World Universe
A guy has to change from male to female due to a freak condition. This is a first-person account of their struggles, failures and triumphs as they adjust.
Originally written in the mid 80's, this is the beginning of a series about a group of people and their actions after the US is struck and invaded by terrorists and their minions. The bad guys are not the Russians. There is no sex in this story.
Leigh Rockton meets his new neighbors under difficult circumstances; however, his carnal desire overcomes his hostility. The premise is basically my usual; man meets girl/woman and the rest you know, with a few twists to keep your interest. This is the introduction of possible a new character in my stable of mature men, depending on reader response. One of my proofreaders is excited, however he doesn't count!
A story in the Couples Sharing in the Faith Universe
Penny Chapman, after having been sexually involved with her college roommate Miriam Stern for two years, lost track of Miriam. Deciding to contact her two years later she arranges for Gary and Charie Holbrook and she and John to visit them during a trip to New York City. They are invited to dinner, after which they split up with Miriam and Zack, and Gambo and Quivina Obaraku, Columbia students from Nigeria, Africa to enjoy an evening of swinging sex.