Driving Home - Cover

Driving Home

by JefferyB

Copyright© 2022 by JefferyB

Erotica Sex Story: Driving home from a class reunion, Beth reveals her daytime masturbation delights to her Ben, her husband. This is the story of their trip.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Masturbation   Sex Toys   .

Ben drove onto the interstate highway heading east toward home. He and his wife, Beth, hadn’t spoken since they left the party.

“I’m glad we went to the reunion,” Beth said in a soft voice as they drove down the almost empty highway.

“Yeah, it was fun,” Ben replied as he patted his wife’s leg.

“It’s hard to believe we haven’t seen those people in ten years. When we were in school, we saw them every day. Kate and I were inseparable in those days. Now she has a child I’ve never seen,” Beth said as she stared out the car window.

“You two were always together. I remember thinking that I was going to have to take both of you to bed if I was ever gonna get into your pants.”

Beth laughed. “Knowing Kate, she probably would have accepted that offer. She was always a little wild.”

“She still looks good,” Ben told his wife. “Not that ten years is that long, but some of those women have aged a lot. At least three of the guys are balding already. Melissa must have gained twenty pounds.”

“We had a lot of fun in school. Once you got me into your bed, I never wanted to get out.”

“You look better now than you did in college, babe,” Ben announced. “I was standing with the guys and they were all checking you out.”

“Not just me,” Beth insisted.

“Oh yeah, it was you. You were standing with your back to the men and they were all looking at your hot ass.”

Ben didn’t use profanity much, but when he did, Beth enjoyed it. It meant that he was being candid. “You think my ass is still hot?”

“It was what attracted me to you twelve years ago. I spotted your ass before I saw your pretty face. I noticed you on campus from about thirty feet away. You were wearing yellow shorts and I swore to myself I was going to find a way to get my hands on that butt.”

Beth laughed again. “It didn’t take you long once you met me. I wasn’t exactly difficult to get in bed.”

“You weren’t easy, either.”

“So, when did you lose interest in my ass?”

Ben looked at his wife. “Lose interest? Never! In fact, your behind is probably sexier now than it was during our college days. I caught Hank looking you over tonight. Standing beside him, I said, ‘she’s still got the best ass in town.’ He nodded and told me what a lucky man I was.”

“If that’s the case,” Beth said with a crooked eyebrow, “Why have you ignored my butt for the last nine months. You used to love to have anal sex, but you haven’t been as interested in the last couple of years.”

“It’s not that I’m not interested, baby. I’ve just been working so hard for the past two years and I’ve traveled so much, I just haven’t had as much time as I’d like to spend with you in bed.”

“You used not to care if we were in bed,” she replied in a low voice. “You used to take me in the kitchen, on the stairs and on the sofa. I think you’ve lost interest in me.”

“No way!” Ben said. “It just seems that now when we have the opportunity, I want to be comfortable and take care of your sweet pussy.”

Beth got a little twinge. Ben didn’t use words like ‘pussy’ very often. She decided to push him a little more. “Is it sweet?”

“Oh yes. The sweetest one there is. And by the time I get in it, there’s nothing else to think about. I just want to fuck you until we can’t move anymore.”

“Oh my,” Beth thought with her eyebrows raised. “Ben just used the ‘f’ word. He must be getting worked up.”

“I’ll tell you a story,” she said leaning back in her seat. “Two weeks ago, while you were away, I overheard two of the women in the office talking about having anal sex. One of them is married and the other isn’t. They were going on about how much they loved it and how it broke up the routine in the bedroom. I was thinking about it on the way home and stopped at the adult toy store. I just marched right in there, bought a butt plug and took it home.”

“You went into that store alone and bought a butt plug?” Ben said in disbelief.

“Yes, I did. I took it home, put it in and masturbated ... twice.”

“I don’t believe you,” Ben insisted.

“The next morning, before I left for work, I put the plug in and wore it to work.”

“No way!” Ben said, turning his head to look at his wife.

“I swear I did,” she replied smugly. “By noon, I was so horny that I drove over to the mall, parked in a remote part of the parking lot and masturbated again.”

“You didn’t!”

“Yes, I did. Not only that, two days later, I did it again. I put it in before leaving home and had to drive to the parking lot at noon. I was so horny I masturbated twice. My panties were so wet I had to take them off and leave then in the car the rest of the day.”

“You swear you’re telling the truth?”

“Absolutely. Don’t you remember coming home on Friday night and me pulling you into the bedroom?”

“You were pretty wild. You were louder than usual.”

Beth leaned over and ran a finger down his jawline. “If you still think I’m a hot number, you’re going to have to start taking care of me. I’m thirty-two now and at my sexual peak. I think I deserve your attention.”

“Didn’t you get enough of my attention the first five years we were married?” he said with a laugh.

“There’s truth in that,” she replied as her fingers ran down his sleeve. “I don’t think there was a single day we were together that we didn’t have sex. But that doesn’t mean that you can ignore me now.”

“I’m not ignoring you, sweetheart. It’s just that I’m so wrapped up in work.”

“Then it’s time for you to get wrapped up in me!” she said, making pouty lips.

Ben quickly looked at his wife and turned back to look at the highway. “Are you wearing panties?”

“Of course I am. I don’t go out in public without underwear.”

“Take them off,” he told her.

“Do what?”

“I said, take them off and hand them to me,” Ben repeated.

Beth was more than surprised at her husband’s tone. He wasn’t asking. He was demanding. The concept gave her a thrill. She had always been aroused by ‘take charge’ kind of guys, but Ben had never been one. Still looking at her husband, Beth lifted her butt off of the seat, put her hands under her skirt and pulled her panties off. She watched him as he fondled the silky fabric.

Ben immediately felt the dampness in the crotch of his wife’s panties. He brought them to his nose and inhaled. “Your pussy always smells so sweet,” he groaned, not taking his eyes off the highway.

Never had she even thought of her husband sniffing her panties, but here he was, holding them to his nose. Rather than being repulsed, Beth was excited. She could feel the wetness between her legs. Without panties she would likely leave a wet spot on the leather seats. “I’m glad you like it,” Beth muttered.

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