Fang is a rescue dog; he sees the world as a dog would.He loves his new master, but is conscious that any pack needs females to breed with. Just a short story that I enjoyed writing.
Murphy sells his business in this Book. He buys the RV of his dreams and he plans to marry Meghan. They are planning to hit the road big time very soon. They're taking short trips now, as they get things in line to 'Take Off'. They come across a lot of people, all with a different story. If you missed Murphy 1, you missed a good chance to see how this all started, as each Book is written as a follow up to the previous Book
The experiences of a Marine when he is stationed on the Japanese island of Okinawa. He meets an amazing lady, and things go from there. Notice, this is a cleaned up and edited version of a story I first posted in 1996.
I was flying the first week of April 2020 when this story came to me. Story of what happens on an overseas flight during the initial part of a pandemic. When you are one of the people the airline agrees to fly for the government. And the only other passengers are also considered special or are airline employees who don't have to work on the flight since there are only three passengers. A flight where pandemic fears remove all the rules of flying.
Rogue AI program Pilot, decides that the United States population is declining too fast and he (Yes, AIs can chose their sex) steps in to fix the problem. First candidate to be drafted into his new program to develop "Future Mothers of America", aka, sex slaves, is 24 year old Alice Homack when she blunders into his new self-hypnosis web site, "Self-Hypnosis Can Help", just trying to get a little sleep. Next to blunder into the program is her younger brother Larry 22, who is
A Dulcie Story (13) Joe Hancock works as an agency nurse in the winter, and as a sailor during the season. He's an occasional attender at church, but then he finds an unconscious girl on the way home in the small hours of the morning. Life will never be quite the same again. The rape/non-consent is off stage and not detailed.
Gasoline prices were driving the economy to its knees. How would I survive with no job and food costing six to twelve times what it did a year ago? Read me and find out.