Shipwrecked on a deserted island with his wife, Mary, and his thirteen-year-old daughter, Alyson, Doug Bryant learns about himself and about raising a daughter. This is the original concept of the previously posted story. It does not have the violent ending of the first posted version, but nevertheless it is not my usual ending.
A Cheerleaders in Paradise Story (7) What's the girl equivalent of horndog, I wonder? Horncat? Hornpussy? Sometimes I think that’s exactly what we were. It was senior year, and there were big changes for all of us. [Author's note: Once again, please check the codes carefully before you read.]
If I had the least notion that the events at those previous parties were an "educational one-off," I certainly had another think coming. You can't tame what's naturally wild! Besides, "In your own lounge-room, no-one can hear you scream!"
A cold, quiet man slowly begins to give in to his growing perversions which grow around his elevating obsession with his young daughter.[will be continued in a seperate story]