Zephyr Circuitail, a unique Synthonian with the genetic makeup of a Velociraptor, Red Fox, Monkey, and human, emerges from a clone tank in a post-apocalyptic Earth, where survival becomes her only goal. Created by nanobots, she navigates the harsh environment until a mysterious portal transports her to a medieval fantasy world. There, she encounters fellow displaced Earth inhabitants forming the Earth Clan, her newfound family. Zephyr embarks on quests, emerging as the Celestial Champion of the
A Story in the RBVS Universe
A teenage girl ditches an orphanage looking to exact a little revenge from God, or at least find something to numb the pain.
A Kelly Story (6) We pick-up where we left off in part 5 We Come 1, Dayna presses ahead with her plans for the shops, Kelly sits her GCSE exams and Dave is summoned to a meeting in New York, which gives them chance for a few days of shopping, culture and naughtiness
A teenage girl moves with her parents to a new city. To help her socially, her parents reluctantly allow her to date, even though she is only 14. Thus begins her journey to sexual enlightenment.