A Halloween Story
18 yo Eve decides her daddy's going to get a halloween trick on the big night. With mommy in the room! And what about the neighbor boy Gunther? What will evil Eve make him do before he's allowed in? And how much will it hurt?
I closed the book and placed it in some wrapping before putting it in the shipping case. I was packing up my library for shipment to my new home in California.
The Chronicles of Tim Brandton Book (3) Part of the Chronicles of Tim Brandton universe
Kidnapped, imprisoned, and his best friend turned into a monster of a person, this is just the start of one of Tim's most challenging years of his life. As he survives each challenge, his abilities grow, requiring him to explore new ways to use them to protect himself, and sees the first signs of a greater power helping him. This book delves into realms of depravity that may be uncomfortable for some. Most m/m content is isolated into clearly marked skippable sections.
The Evil Room: A story about how I and my wife became drawn into the evil sadistic things a Satanic Witch cast her spells and potions to get us involved in it.
A Country Boy, City Girl Story This is the story of the "Country Boy, City Girl" saga, as told by Linda from her point of view. It is not required to have read "Country Boy, City Girl" first, but the pacing and reason for chapter breaks will make more sense if you do read it.
Story of the Mom whom now wants the forbidden pleasure she knows her Daughter is getting. Aftermath of the Busted by the Lawnman story. She nearly bust and catches me helping her daughter. Now furious about that she comes to me.