An innocent, young newspaper reporter goes to interview a hardened military retiree. She gets the interview she had wanted, but in the process finds out what she really wanted was a new life.
A divorcee in his early sixties rents a small apartment, one of two on the third floor of an older home. A strong minded and bitchy young business woman moves into the other apartment. In a few hours while he grudgingly helps her move in, she converts him from a normally independent individual into her unpaid house servant by exploiting an older man’s desire for sex with a young female.
By and large this is a story of covetousness and retribution, money laundering, power struggles, infidelities, and murder. And then there’s the sex. Like your dick, not easy to put down. - Mora Less, author of Honey Dripper; and Clit
Did anyone wonder what happened to Lila? This is her story. Please read "Passing the Baton" first, or it will make no sense. Warning: Very dark but romantic story and contains snuff. You've been warned.
Based, with permission, on the 'Dickgirls of Faeruhn' series, by lightswitch
Lily had a secret that if known, would make all Faeruhnites shun her as a deviant. She could not even risk her womb-sibling Iris learning of her shame. While most sought to plant their clones into whichever of the other 3 lovely Faeruhn races they preferred, Lily longed to claim a fellow Snowflake! She had no idea where the dark twisted path of her perverted desires would lead her and Iris!
This is an extremely violent tale fill with lots of nasty punishments heaped on a cheating wife. It has some of the most extreme stuff I have written about. Only for those that are brave, it is not a story for the faint of heart! You have been warned! Appropriate codes have been marked!
At fourteen, handsome, sunny, blue-eyed, and handful Ron is very much ahead of his times. He has already dabbled in trouble most don't contemplate before getting out of their teens, and he even has gotten familiar with alcohol. He is shipped off to an uncle in Singapore, but he hasn't finished learning life ahead of his time yet. In Singapore he finds his way to the House of Perfect Bliss and its procurer, Jun Lee.