Susan enjoyed volunteering in her community and helping others. But soon she found herself helping a black man.. with a very large cock! Using Mind Control, he enjoys fucking her.. as well as others.. at every home visit.
I had little choice but to volunteer to host a Friday night poker game. My wife, Pam, really got into being the hostess and I had to be a good sport about it. Caution: This story contains scenes that NO self respecting husband would do. Check the story codes and if that turns you off; DON'T READ IT.
A Conqueror's Reward Story (3) This is a story of one of Diun's children named David. Born with a powerful sex drive that would grow into an even more powerful sexual addiction.
This is part of the series about Dan, Vicki, and their family. (5) Part of the Southern Sexual Liberation universe
This story continues to present the lives of Dan, Vicki, Haley, and Michelle, and their children. Trevor has been kicked out of his house by Jamie, leading to some seduction by two very loving women. Meanwhile, Karl repays the debt that he owes Vicki. And somewhere along the way, Dan experiences the twins together at last. Toss in family film night, and you have this particular Sunday in the life of the von Greiner clan. Hold on, it's a wild ride!