When a typo sends a guy to the wrong correctional institute, a kid in a candy store turns into a boy toy in a bargain basement when the authorities discover a rooster in their henhouse.
A Doctor's Erotic Adventure... Story (4) The long awaited week at the Penkor Island Medical Conference is finally underway! Patricia is thrilled to be attending the medical lectures on the latest surgical techniques with the Surgeons and the other Physician Assistants.To her dismay, she finds to fulfill the terms of her bizarre contract, she must also undergo additional training in new-to-her erotic skills as well!
Samantha’s trip to her doctor reveals more than she was expecting. A day filled with new experiences opens her up to a world of previously unknown pleasure.
James, 18, must maintain an erection for 24 hours for medical reasons. His mom, Nancy, helps him, and they're later joined by her friends. They all take turns pleasuring James, and he has multiple orgasms throughout the night and day.
Some people would say that sixteen is too young to meet the man of your dreams, but Lisa isn't the sort of girl to argue with fate, even if it does mean getting impregnated, married, and moving to a place far, far away.
Thirteen-year old Jenny feigns illness to avoid a math test. I've been her family doctor -- and a family friend -- for years. Do I expose her fraud -- or exact my price?