The Cure - Cover

The Cure

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2021 by Mat Twassel

Fiction Sex Story: Laurie seeks treatment for a skin problem. Illustrated.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Fiction   Enema   Doctor/Nurse   Illustrated   .

Distressed by eczema covering much of her body, Laurie made an appointment at a clinic recommended by her aunt. A friendly receptionist had Laurie fill out some forms, and an efficient nurse guided her to a treatment room. “Doctor should be with you shortly,” the nurse said. “There are towels in that cabinet.” With that the nurse left, closing the door.

The treatment room had tile flooring and tile walls. From a brass fitting on the wall a red hose curled down to the floor. Otherwise the room was empty save for the cabinet and some clothing hooks on the wall. Laurie was unsure what to do. She opened the cabinet door, and sure enough on one shelf were several fluffy white towels. Laurie slipped off her shoes and stored them in the bottom of the cabinet. She set her purse atop her shoes. There were hooks inside the cabinet, and after some indecision, Laurie stripped off the rest of her clothing and hung her dress on one of the hooks and dangled her panties and bra from another. She shut the cabinet door.

A small hissing noise startled Laurie. She turned around. It was the red hose. It wiggled, and a small amount of pale blue liquid seeped from the nozzle. Cautiously Laurie approached the hose. It appeared the line was kinked. Laurie knelt down and picked up the hose, freeing the kink.

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The hose jerked, and the pale blue liquid spurted. At the same moment the doctor entered. Before Laurie could wrestle the hose under control, spray soaked the doctor’s bright white pants.

“Oh no!” Laurie yelped. “I’m so sorry.” She managed to steer the hose’s stream away from the doctor.

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The doctor grinned. “Who’s treating who here?” he said. “But don’t worry. The medicine dissipates almost immediately. And if nothing else, now my pants won’t get pimples.” He went to the wall and did something at the fitting which stopped the flow. “Didn’t they give you a smock?” he said. “Ah, no matter. Better this way, to tell the truth. Yes, much better.”

He explained to Laurie how the treatment would work. “We’ll spray all the affected areas with the medicine,” he said. “It’s completely benign, but it really works. “Are you up for it?”

Laurie nodded. “Wouldn’t it be easier to take a bath in the, um, medicine?”

“It would,” the doctor agreed, “but there is more to it than that. There’s an internal component. Some of the problem is hormonal. The eczema could be a sign of insufficient orgasm.”

Laurie blushed.

“It’s true,” the doctor continued. “Perhaps you should supplement sex with your husband or boyfriend with more masturbation.”

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