How does a man recover from loosing his wife, his bedmate, the love of his life? What can heal a wounded heart and save a mind from insanity? If that man is a loving father with an unusually understanding daughter then perhaps she has a soothing touch to tame the savage beasts of grief and despair. With love, two broken hearts can mend. With awakened lust, two souls can soar!
Richard is single and almost 64. He has been having an on and off affair with his 38 year old neighbor. One night after one of their trysts, she asks him to deflower her 16 year old daughter. Richard is shocked, but what can a good neighbor do?
A Sweet Smell Of Lust Story (1) Inventing a drug that controls only women through scent - David uses it to control every female around him. Even his own mother and sister.
Steven and his sister Beth have a very close and special relationship. You see, Steven is straight and his sister is gay. Now if you add in the fact that their very attractive mother is an exhibitionist and has a rather large collection of sexy underwear. You can imagine how this makes Steven and Beth's morning rather interesting as they play games in their mother's bedroom while she gets ready for work.
This story was written in response to requests from people who have enjoyed my warped earlier stories containing much abuse inflicted on innocent young women and girls. Those early stories were posted before I mellowed and began to gradually tone them down, at least a little. This is a nasty story. Not all the time but often enough. Most members of SOL should probably avoid it. You will be required to be tolerant and have a dirty mind to enjoy this story. While not the major theme, it contains m
Soon after moving into a new house, Julia found a hole in her bedroom wall that allowed her to see into her parent's bedroom. At fourteen she already had some idea what they got up to behind closed doors, but she was in for some big surprises.