Funland, the rather off-beat television series, had dark and kinky undertones, this scene explores some of them a little more deeply than the BBC could...
This is now the story that started my career as Black Bull for couples. My best friend and his lovely beautiful tiny little Hispanic wife are my first experience at it.
This is the account I said i'd post after "Prior to my wife's gangbang". I hope you'll enjoy it but am fully expecting most people to not believe it. I didn't when my wife first told me. I know you'll give it lots of 1's but frankly I don't care. If it sinks into oblivion - so be it. After reading these accounts you may think of my wife as a slut or a whore. I don't think of her that way, I love her and i'm very proud of her and i'm not embarrassed to say it.
After Katie's lost weekend cheating on her husband her realizes that he is submissive to her and becomes her cuckold. He is caged and his wife takes full advantage of the situation with an African-American man and his friends.
When Trisha stops into a local bar, she doesn't know what's compelled her. But after a chat with the friendly bartender, she finds herself with a brand new outlook on life...and a brand new body to go with it.