An wet and wild amusement ride leaves Emma quite exposed. The events stimulates her and her husband into other daring dates. When a policeman stumbles upon them, Emma and her emotions twist and turn in the wind.
Revenge is a dish best served at 450,000 SHUs. This is just a tongue-in-cheek tale of a cheating wife and the consequences of her actions. Don't take it seriously, folks. LOL
A man goes through a sad marriage with a wife who should have remained a friend. They divorce amicably, he remarries and divorces for the same reason. He finally finds happiness in his third marriage. Travel down memory lane with him as he tells another couple about his trials, tribulations and happiness.
Joanne's boyfriend introduces her to making love with another woman and now Joanne wants to make love to a pretty pregnant African American girl in her office.
Adriana is a wild, free-spirited young girl who enjoys having fun. Coming home from a party where liquor was in abundance, she is caught driving by her friend and neighbor who is a cop. He decides rather than busting her, to teach her a lesson himself...
A retired software engineer buys a motorhome to tour the country. In his travels, he comes across a young woman who has broken down on the roadside. He offers her a lift and they develop a bond as they go down the road...