Freedom, opportunity, and just a little bit of random lunacy... A married couple find themselves alone, and it goes from there. "From the thickest part of the hair protruded his cock. It was relaxed still, large and heavy, deliciously soft now, though she was familiar with, and grateful for the state it could so easily reach. She loved the way it looked, and the way it behaved."
This is a time-travel story set in the very old West. There are no six-shooters or rifles. Rather, it is the story of how a college student manages to survive and make his life better, as well as that of his friends. What would you do if you were plopped down in front of some very hostile Indians who were only interested in seeing what your insides looked like? Luckily, our hero was able to survive those first 15 or so minutes. Could you do as well? / (Reviews)
A Swimming with Kate Story (2) What do you do when your daughter, the one with a stick figure who loves being held and tickled and massaged and wrestled with, starts to sprout curves? One solution is to continue gooping her up with sunscreen. Brushing her hair helps, too.
A Devastation Diary Story (13) The Chairman of the East of England Committee has to travel to the Training Centre to see his ex-wife. On the way he encounters another young woman who needs help, but it's not what you might expect.
A teen girl spends all her money shopping and forgets to save some for the ride back. She gets help from two photographers who offer her a way to earn some cash.
A beautiful mother walks in on her son while he is in the shower and becomes his lover. Together, they begin a voyage of lust in which they explore and fulfill all of their sexual fantasies.