Happy Trails With My Sister - Cover

Happy Trails With My Sister

by Lubrican

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Erotica Sex Story: Dad takes Rob and his sister Lee on a two week camping tour of national parks, using a camper on the back of the pickup. Rob figures out that being in the back while they drive gives him a chance to take some pressure off. Lee figures out she might be able to do the same thing and uses his "sleeping" cock to feel good. When it goes off, though, it's not where where she planned.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Masturbation   Slow   .

It's funny how things turn out. Seemingly unconnected events conspire to cause little things to happen and sometimes those things can be life changing. So for my story I'll show you the "unconnected" things. The life changing part will become clear.

First of all let me tell you a little about our family. Dad is this big beefy guy with wide shoulders and muscles a pro wrestler would be proud of. Mom died when we were younger, but I remember she was this little slip of a woman who was beautiful and smiled all the time. Now that I'm grown, if I saw a couple like that I'd stare at them, thinking he'd just CRUSH her while they were... well, you know.

My sister, Lee and I got our frames from our mother, much to my dismay. I couldn't be a jock, so I drifted toward shop and that was a little change that made a big difference in my self esteem. I'm pretty good with my hands and people know it. But I stood by watching the jocks get all the popular and gorgeous girls.

Like Lee, for instance. She has what in books would be called an elfin face, with big green eyes. Our mom had long hair and after she died Lee decided never to cut her hair again - ever. So now she has this thick mane of ash blond hair clear down past her ass, almost to her knees. Her breasts are cantaloupe sized, with perky pink nipples that point slightly upwards and were well defined even when "soft". Her pubic hair is just as blond as her head hair and her butt is round and soft and fat, sort of.

Guys fall all over themselves trying to get her to go out with them. She had a boyfriend or two, but nothing hot and heavy. Of course all the guys tried to get in her pants, but from what I heard she was increasingly adept at fending them off.

Now I know she isn't a cock tease, because she doesn't have that reputation. But she also doesn't have the reputation of being a slut. And the guys just keep coming back, so she must be fun to be with. Exactly what happens on all those dates is a big mystery. That's something a brother usually isn't privy to.

But back to her hair. When she decided not to cut it, it affected the rest of her life. I mean long hair is a pain to take care of. So usually she wore it in a loose braid, almost everywhere in fact, except at home. There she let it flow loose. She actually used it as "clothing" at home. See our family had always had a little nudist streak in us. It wasn't intentional. I mean we wouldn't have described ourselves as "nudists". We just didn't wear clothing if it wasn't necessary. For instance, the clothes hampers were in each bedroom. If you're going to take a shower you undress, but why carry clothes around with you? So we'd undress in the bedroom, put the clothes in the hamper, and then go take a shower. When we were done we'd dry off, and then go to the closet or whatever to get some clothes to put on. If it was summer, we wouldn't put on much. So that meant there were naked people walking up and down the halls sometimes. If Lee had a date and the clothing she wanted to wear was in the dryer or something like that, she'd walk around the house in panties while she waited for her clothes to be ready. This is where the hair comes in. All she had to do was pull her hair around to the front and it covered her almost completely. I mean enough for modesty's sake. Sort of. There were just two problems.

One was that her breasts were big enough that they'd push their way through her hair mostly. And her nipples poked out even farther. She never wore a bra. She said they cramped and hurt, which makes sense to a guy. I have a suspicion nowadays that one reason she didn't like to wear them was that her clothing and her hair caressed or tickled her nipples or something, because almost every time I ever saw them they were sticking out, looking hard and swollen.

The other thing is that with her hair covering her front, that left her back completely exposed. And she had a butt to die for. It was her butt, in fact, that made me sexually aware of her. Oh don't get me wrong, I knew she was beautiful, and I had intentionally looked at her breasts and that soft looking patch of almost white hair between her legs. I knew she was a woman and I knew what guys did to and with those parts of the body. But the first time I ever wanted to touch her sexually it was because of her butt.

She was walking down the hallway in front of me, going to her room from the shower. Her hair was in front of her, covering her front and her butt... wiggled... while she walked. The left cheek raised and then lowered and the right one did the opposite. My dick stiffened a little and I wondered what it would feel like to press that stiffening dick up against those soft undulating buns.

Almost immediately I flushed red and stopped. I even turned around and went the other way. Wow! Thinking about shoving your dick against your sister's ass! What a pervert.

Anyway, she never knew about that, so I was safe. But I started noticing her as a woman a lot more. That was a small change, but one that made things different.

For example, Dad and I always wandered around the house in our underwear. I liked briefs and he liked boxers. But when I started noticing Lee it caused... well... problems. Obvious problems.

But I wasn't about to give up comfort, so I dealt with it in several ways. Sometimes I'd sit down and do something, like read. That made it less obvious. Sometimes I'd go into my room and whack off like mad, shooting long strings of silvery cum into towels or whatever. Once in a while I'd just let it all hang out, so to speak.

Dad was clueless. He worked hard and we were good kids, so other than spending some time with us he pretty well was oblivious to what went on around the house.

But eventually Lee noticed the bulges in my briefs. In the beginning she kidded me about it.

"Got a mouse in your pocket?" she said one day while I was making a sandwich.

I looked at her and she was looking at the front of my underwear. I looked down and there was my half hard dick, making a nice tent. The funny thing is that this time it wasn't Lee who had caused it. I was spreading peanut butter and found myself thinking about Nancy, the girl who lived next door and wondering what it would be like to spread peanut butter on her breasts and then lick it off.

Don't laugh girls. It's a guy thing.

Anyway, Lee was staring at the front of my shorts. What does a guy do in that situation? For some reason I decided to be brazen about it.

"What? You've never seen a hardon before?" I couldn't believe I'd said it.

Then SHE was blushing. "Of course I've seen a hardon you moron." she growled. Then she suddenly realized what she'd said and blushed even more.

I did the Jim Carey line "Oh reeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyy" and we both ended up laughing.

That was a little change, but it made a big difference in our lives. Because after that, if I got hard I didn't hide it any more. And Lee didn't kid me about it. Well, not really. She had these long fingernails. There were a couple of times she put one finger down and scraped a fingernail across the bulge and said "Your mouse friend is back".

We'd always been pretty loose around each other, but this was a step further.

Anyway, another change that happened that seemed unconnected was when Dad decided he wanted to take us on a two week vacation to see the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, the Tetons and so on. All the major tourist spots in the western half of the lower 48 states. It would be about a three thousand mile trip.

We liked to tent camp, but Dad said it would take too much of our time to set up and break camp every night, so he went out and found a used camper that would fit in the bed of our pickup. It was old, but serviceable. It had a bed, a two person couch, a tiny kitchen, a porta-potty and lots of little places for storage. The couch unfolded into what some salesman somewhere had once called a second bed. It was tiny.

The first question out of my mouth was about the beds. It was obvious that if Dad was in either of them, nobody else would be able to squeeze in. Like me, for instance. Dad said something about how somebody could sleep in the cab and then said "Both of you will fit in the big bed anyway. What's the big deal?"

I looked at Lee, expecting her to complain, but she had this faraway look in her eye, like she wasn't paying close attention. But she said "Whatever" and suddenly the idea of sleeping in the same bed with my sister didn't seem so bad. And after all, what could happen with our father right there, three feet away from us?

So off we went. It was fun. We all sang with the radio as we drove along, usually on an interstate highway somewhere, and we got to see some really beautiful scenery. The tourist traps were cool and all in all we had a great time. All of us could drive, so we switched off and on pretty regularly.

Sleeping in that bed with my sister wasn't the earthshaking thing I thought it would be, though I did get a few hardons. I just turned over and put my back to hers when that happened. I woke up a couple of times in the night with her cuddled up next to me, an arm draped over me or something, and that usually made me hard as a rock, but I didn't really mind.

Well, except for the fact that I couldn't beat off on this trip. No privacy.

Then one day I got this bright idea.

We were driving along and my balls were aching. There had been a group of girls flirting with me at the last stop and my imagination had started in. Suddenly I realized there was privacy right behind me, in the camper.

"Hey Dad. I'm sort of tired. Pull over so I can get in the back and take a nap, OK?"

He pulled over, I got in the back, the truck started off, and I had a glorious hour to spank the monkey all by myself. I was having such a good time that I put off coming. I'd get real close and then stop. My cock was leaking precum all over the place, and that took off the pressure a little bit I guess. I'd go from one fantasy to the next, trying to decide which one to blow my wad on. My dick was twice the size it usually is when I beat off, and just as hard as iron.

That was another little difference. I usually whacked off and came in less than five minutes. But not this time. That too would end up changing my whole life.

I was still engaged in this leisurely beat off session when I felt the truck start slowing down and pulling over. Damn. So close. Now what? If I hurried I could shoot, but I didn't want to hurry. Maybe we were just getting gas or turning onto another road or something.

It was hot and I had stripped down to the buff, but my shorts were handy. I decided to peek out the windows to see what was going on. I pulled aside the curtains as the truck came to a full stop.


Then a flash of blond hair. Lee was coming back to the camper!


I knew I'd never hear the end of it if she found me in the camper, rod in hand, naked. I only had one chance. She wouldn't think it was odd if I was sleeping nude. Everybody in the house slept that way. So I jumped on our bed, draped part of the sheet over my loins and closed my eyes. I lay on my side, facing the door and tried to breath deeply, like I was really asleep.

I hoped she was just going to get something out of the fridge and then we'd go on. My balls were beginning to hurt a little from the anticipation of blowing a nut.

The door opened and Lee climbed in.

The truck started moving again.

Shit shit shit!

Now I was stuck trying to convince Lee I was actually sleeping. I couldn't open my eyes because I didn't know where she was or what she was doing.

Then she spoke "Rob?" she whispered.

I played possum.

Again "Robbie... are you sleeping?"

I didn't open my eyes or change my breathing. Then I felt the sheet being moved. She must have lifted it up because she gasped and then said softly "Well, well, well, he must be having a really nice dream."

Oh man, she was looking at my dick!

I heard her moving around and a rustling sound. I just had to know what she was doing, so I cracked open one eyelid just a teeny bit. At first I couldn't see anything. Well, that's not right. I could see, but I couldn't tell what I was looking at.

Then the eye focused and I about choked. Lee was getting undressed. She already had her shirt off and I was looking at her breasts hanging from her chest as she bent over to remove her shorts. Then she skinned out of her panties and she was naked!

She glanced at me, but must have thought I was still asleep. Then she started taking her hair down. She unbraided it and shook it out. Then she looked toward me again. I closed the eye and realized I was holding my breath. I started breathing again, but that stopped as she got into the bed with me.

Man oh man what was I going to do now?

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