Can an aging gringo come back to life buried in young a Mexican girl's pussy? Sam says hell yes? Sam was in a dead end marriage. He floated through a dead end life. Then he met Maria Elena and his erections returned.
A Niki and Max Story (2) After the adventures in Niki's Descent, Niki has to deal with the fallout at school, as well as at home, her parents will be home in a few days... She assumed Max would still be in control, and the pack of dogs still requiring attention.
A Swarm Cycle Story
What do you do when the Confederation comes to town for a pick up and you have no idea what that means? Llewelyn Carter found himself in that position and took the rest of his family along for company. Oops!
A story set in and around Hanging Out
Dana is the troubled middle kid of a triplet. Can someone who’s as out-there queer as Jamie be what they need to survive? A teen romance that is neither hetero-, homo-, nor bisexual.
[Tagged “Caution” for an uncodable central pairing.]
A hot, horny teen is reunited with her handsome father after her mother remarries. Tiana and Dave, her dad, are now living on their own with no one to come between them.
Sheryl feeling unloved by her parents finds romance and a wonderful introduction to the joys of sex with him. He is her sole mate, and is devastated when he is killed in an industrial accident. With his death she turns to quantity rather than quality. She is used and abused until she finds the strength to break away from her downward spiral. She meets a man twice her age who is married to a girl her own age. In him she finds the sole of her departed lover.