The "R-rated" version of the original "Last Frontier". If you are looking for the really nasty stuff, the censors edited it, at least as much as didn't totally ruin the story. I mean the bad guys are bad, at least compared to the good guys. LF I will be posted as a new story like LF II. If you are looking it for sexual content then pass this one by.
A Traffic Girl Story (2) John Cameron is back, grappling with a potential future with Kat and also trying to find out how his longtime former love, Jess, fits into his life. Is this what he wants? Or should he simply revert to his bachelor ways? Then there's the whole Kat situation...
Mike and the Energists Story (4) The fall school year has begun for Mike and the Time Bandettes and his school friends. Things are going superbly for the our Energists enhanced teen but behind the scenes a major surprise is awaiting for him and his friends. This Book 4 is the lead for this major surprise. If you haven't read the preceding book, at least from chapter 40, you may not pickup on all aspects of this story.
A BattleMage World Story - 1st Series (3) Part of the The World of the Battlemages universe
Caelan and Jaden are back after a two year family trip. Against Aric's wishes they and their mother have done worked as mercenaries in a few border wars while they were gone. How will this decision affect their lives and will it possibly spill over and affect the lives of those they love around them?
An Oscar Story He's a nerd, riding a restored classic Norton. She's a Doctoral candidate, driving a classic MG with a problem. They both, you might say, have issues.