A Beach House Story (1) This is a fictional, coming of age story. A good friend and mentor shared it with me and I wrote it with the goal of sharing some of the lessons he learned long ago. I tried to keep it as close to the true story as possible without compromising the identities of anyone in it. This story tells the first week of relationships that have grown stronger over the years. / (Reviews)
A Beach House Story (2) After "Beach House - A Week with the Musketeers" Michael spends August with Fallon. After discovering that Michael liked, and perhaps even loved, his sister's three good friends, they each decided to continue their exploration into dating and each other. This chronicles the first full month with one of the Musketeers. This follows "Beach House..." and an understanding of those characters is essential. Additional notes in my blog, Aug with Fallon will help you enjoy the story.
A Beach House Story (3) After "Beach House - A Week with the Musketeers" Michael spends August with Fallon and now September with LuAnn. This chronicles the second full month with one of the Musketeers. An understanding of the characters in those two stories is essential. Additional notes in my blog, Sept with LuAnn will help you enjoy the story. The story is listed as complete, however A Month with Tina will follow.
A Beach House Story (4) After "Beach House - A Week with the Musketeers" Michael spends a month dating each girl. This chronicles the 3rd month with one of the Musketeers. An understanding of the characters in those three stories is essential. Additional notes in my blog will help you appreciate the story and individuals. The sequence is: 1. Beach House 2. Aug with Fallon 3. Sept with LuAnn 4. Oct with Tina They should definitely be read in order. This completes the story.
A Beach House Story (5) Written by one of the Musketeers, I've posted this on her behalf. I found it to be a wonderful recounting from a very different perspective. It's meant to be read after The Beach House and Musketeer stories. It's short, but sweet, and essentially a synopsis of what she told me in a lengthy conversation. I hope you'll enjoy it for what it is and please feel free to send me a note.
A Jack Pierce Chronicles Story (1) Jack Pierce learns about love and life in his freshman year at an exceptional college preparatory school in beautiful Charleston, SC. Gifted with a thirst for learning and a love of challenges, Jack makes major decisions that set the tone and course of his life. / (Reviews)
A Jack Pierce Chronicles Story (3) Jack Pierce has made a major decision and works toward that goal, learning a lot along the way. It’s not all work, though. The end of the summer ends with a great vacation to one of my favorite places; Puerto Rico. This story follows directly on the heels of Feasting With a Silver Spoon. Please read that story first - characters and plot line will be tough to follow unless you do.
A Jack Pierce Chronicles Story (4) Something Fishy chronicles the fall semester of Jack Pierce’s junior year. It follows Feasting and Summertime and the Living is easy. If you haven’t read those stories, you’ll have a tough time with this as many of the same people are included and some of their relationships are complex.
A Jack Pierce Chronicles Story (5) This story follows immediately after "Something Fishy Going On" and begins with the Spring semester at Porter-Gaud. Olivia Newton John's "Physical" had been on the charts for 18 weeks straight and Hank Aaron was being inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Swimming season was over and baseball season was about to begin.