Jackson Michael Pierce attends Porter-Gaud preparatory school in Charleston, SC. It's an exceptional school that prides itself on preparing their graduates for whatever college they attend. This series takes Jack from his freshman year through graduation (at least that's the plan). They're best read in order as the characters develop as the story progresses.
Jack Pierce learns about love and life in his freshman year at an exceptional college preparatory school in beautiful Charleston, SC. Gifted with a thirst for learning and a love of challenges, Jack makes major decisions that set the tone and course of his life. / (Reviews)
Crashing the Prom is a missing chapter from Feasting with a Silver Spoon. Somehow, in the process of editing, re-writing, and then publishing that story, I simply lost it. In subsequent stories I’ve made several references to that night. I re-wrote it, which was a lot of fun, and posted it in a revised version of Feasting with a Silver Spoon, Chapter 38. If you have the time, read that instead of this.
Jack Pierce has made a major decision and works toward that goal, learning a lot along the way. It’s not all work, though. The end of the summer ends with a great vacation to one of my favorite places; Puerto Rico. This story follows directly on the heels of Feasting With a Silver Spoon. Please read that story first - characters and plot line will be tough to follow unless you do.
Something Fishy chronicles the fall semester of Jack Pierce’s junior year. It follows Feasting and Summertime and the Living is easy. If you haven’t read those stories, you’ll have a tough time with this as many of the same people are included and some of their relationships are complex.
This story follows immediately after "Something Fishy Going On" and begins with the Spring semester at Porter-Gaud. Olivia Newton John's "Physical" had been on the charts for 18 weeks straight and Hank Aaron was being inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Swimming season was over and baseball season was about to begin.