A Jack Pierce Chronicles Story (2) Crashing the Prom is a missing chapter from Feasting with a Silver Spoon. Somehow, in the process of editing, re-writing, and then publishing that story, I simply lost it. In subsequent stories I’ve made several references to that night. I re-wrote it, which was a lot of fun, and posted it in a revised version of Feasting with a Silver Spoon, Chapter 38. If you have the time, read that instead of this.
Danny teaches junior high. As he starts another school year, he connects with Maja's mom. Mom is beautiful and she's going through a tough time. Danny helps out and a relationship develops.
This is a simple romance. The action is minor but essential to the story. / (Reviews)
When your family needs help, you help. That's what family does. Danny takes the summer off and heads to the mountains to help out his cousin. She needs a lot of help.
This is a simple, character driven romance. It follows Cousin Removed. There are also people and events from Maja's Mom and Science Experiment mentioned. The timeline of stories is, Maja's Mom, Science Experiment, Cousin Removed, Cousins Removed - A New Beginning. This story includes a previously posted story, "Thanksgiving" (modified for clarification) and provides the rest of the story. It is a romance and some may think parts of it are overly sweet. Love does that.
What does yoga have in common with the Kama Sutra? the history has been lost. Only science can shed light on the mystery. I helped some visitors come to their own conclusions. Most of my stories rely heavily on personal experience but this is complete fiction. Sure, it includes where I live and how fast I paddle but I've never had sex with anyone named Bev. Sorry to disappoint. I hope you enjoy the fiction.
Former US Marshal, Daniel January, gets a late night call from an old friend. The daughter of a Russian Mafia kingpin needs to be relocated. The risk is high but so are the rewards.
The story moves quickly because the action did. A lot of miles are covered in a short period of time.
Our hero, employed as a bodyguard, takes a Caribbean Cruise but when his client fails to show, he takes on a new job. That job turns into more than he planned.
This started out as a mostly true story and then I got carried away. I had fun with it and hope you do too. / (Reviews)