Retribution was necessary, sure, and certain. But, who had visited retribution on whom? And could two marriages in disarray because of infidelity survive the outcome?
A divorced woman has a conversation with a younger woman at a bar. Hopefully this talk takes the younger woman in a new direction. It has been done before but most often it is a man telling the story and not a woman. As always feel free to tell me what you think.
Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Drama Tags: Ma/Fa, Heterosexual, Cheating, White Female, Safe Sex Downloads: 3389 | Votes: 242 | Score: 6.71 Size: 22KB | 4,591 words |
Have ever wished you had a "rewind" button on your life, so that every time you put your foot in it, blurted out The wrong thing to say or did something particularly stupid or damaging? Just rewind and play that bit of your life again, only do it better this time? Yes? Well, you never know, but you may be able to rewind your life too.
The combination of feeling her fingers grasping, fondling me and the warmth of her breath as she moved nearer had the inevitable effect of making me swell. If I had any thoughts at all it would have been one that screamed, "Oh my God, I am being touched by a FEMALE!!"