Kind of a dark story about an evil woman. Abe doesn't know how evil until justice is served. Could be, the man that he had hated, would turn out to be his friend after all.
I closed the book and placed it in some wrapping before putting it in the shipping case. I was packing up my library for shipment to my new home in California.
Dad lays around the house wearing very loose shorts. His daughters are able to see up the leg and his privates and want a much closer hands on look. His wife sees what he is teaching them but why is she ignoring it? What is she up to that she can't condemn her husband's actions?
Bradley lures his respectable married sister into spending a weekend away with him, and in doing so demonstrates what a Slut she can be when she really makes an effort! This is an updated rewrite of a story some may have read.
I ran out on my wife after twenty years together. The guilt I felt was awful. I knew that I could never go back and I didn't want to. until She tracked me down and coerced me into returning.