A man awakes from a coma only to find he has selective amnesia. He doesn't know that he has a secret life. He is a closet transvestite. At first repulsed by the idea, he can't help exploring his secret life. What is it like to dress as a woman? What is it like to feel feminine? What is it like to suck a man's cock!
In the ultimate cliche, I caught my wife cheating with my best friend. But there were too many innocents, like my daughter, who'd be hurt by a quickie divorce. So i offered my own version of DACA. Deferred Action for Cheating Assholes. But it didn't work out the way I thought it would
The time was near. She was fading. The pain meds had her in an almost constant state of almost sleep. I’d gotten word from our daughter that her mother was dying and I dropped everything.