Marcie Is Initiated
Fifteen-year-old Marcie returns to the gynecologist's office where she was molested a year earlier. She hopes this visit will be more routine. It isn't. As you might expect, you'd do well to read "Marcie's First Visit To The Gynecologist," well, first. But this story will re-introduce the characters as it goes along. Enjoy. We'll see whether Marcie does.
A Swarm Cycle Story
What do you do when the Confederation comes to town for a pick up and you have no idea what that means? Llewelyn Carter found himself in that position and took the rest of his family along for company. Oops!
Mandy is a happily married mother in a new neighbourhood and to fit in agrees to go on a girlie night with a nearby neighbour Gail. Gail is being blackmailed by an unknown source and is tasked with giving Mandy alcohol and drugs, so the blackmailers can put Mandy in a position to be blackmailed too. This is the story of the humiliating and totally wrong things Mandy is blackmailed into doing to try and keep the events of that girlie night a secret. NB - The story codes relate to the whole story
A Swarm Cycle Story
David, Rachel, Sylvia and Mister Bozo have all been extracted. David gets a promotion, Sylvia gets a new body, Mister Bozo gets a new owner and Rachel gets a replacement.
Chrissy has a plan to get her widowed mother laid. Her favorite man is her Uncle Bob, and who better than him to cure her mother's loneliness. But when she solicits his cock for her mother, she just has to try it out herself first. / (Reviews)
A seventeen year old boy gets a Magical Power passed to him by an older friend he looks up to. His guitar picking and his ability to get into any pussy he wants, comes alive in this story full of sex and fun.