Prom Night Preparations - Cover

Prom Night Preparations

by alan14

Copyright© 2023 by alan14

Coming of Age Sex Story: Cal has just worked up the courage to ask Liv to the prom. His sister finds out and wants to make sure he knows how to treat a nice girl properly. She teaches him in the best way, then her girlfriend, Liv's sister, reinforces the lessons...

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   .

<Night 1>

I was lying on my bed reading a Batman comic book when my sister popped her head in my room.

“Hey Cal,” Ash called as she leaned into my room, “a little bird tells me you’ve got a date for the prom.”

“What little bird would that be, Ash?”

“Taylor told me you’d asked her sister out, Liv’s very excited apparently, she’s going dress shopping at the weekend.”

“Yeah,” I replied, feigning boredom, but really I was just as excited, I’d liked Liv for a long time and only just plucked up the courage to ask her out.

Ash stepped fully into my room, I noticed she was biting the corner of her lip, something she did when she was thinking.

“Mmm, have you ever ... you know ... been with a girl?”

“Been where, with a girl?” I asked, genuinely puzzled about what Ash was asking.

“Have you ever been past first base?”

Ahh, that’s what she means.

“I’ve kissed a few girls, I nearly touched Maci’s boob, but she had to get the bus home, so I didn’t get chance.”

“Didn’t she let you have another try?” Ash asked, smiling.

“She started seeing Jordan from my Chemistry class the next day.”

“Which Jordan? The boy or the girl?”

“Err, she might be seeing both of them,” I replied, cringing at the thought.

“Oh my, that’s a recipe for confusion. Anyway, so you’ve only managed first base. What if Liv wants more, do you know what to do?”

“Why are you being all weird Ash?”

“What’s weird about me asking if you know what you’re doing with a girl? I like Liv, she’s a nice girl, and I’d rather my favourite brother didn’t upset her by getting all handsy and touching her in all the wrong places.”

“I’ve seen videos, I know what to do.”

“Urghh ... PornHub is not a sex education platform, Cal. All you’ll learn there is how to hurt a girl. Like I said, Liv is a nice girl, so you need to know how to treat her properly.”

I was worried now, because thinking back, the guys in the videos online do tend to treat girls a bit rough, and Liv is a nice girl.

“Where ... where can I learn how to be nice to a girl?” I asked nervously.

“Put that book away, Cal. Tonight I’ll teach you how to kiss a girl properly. If you pass this test, I might show you second base tomorrow.”

My eyes went wide, did Ash really just say she’d teach me how to kiss a girl?

“Err ... did I hear you right?”

“Probably, now drop that book and come here before I change my mind.”

I practically jumped off the bed in an effort to reach Ash before she reconsidered. She’s two years older than me, and a little taller. She takes after our dad a bit more than mum. She got mum’s looks, dad’s smarts and humour; I got mum’s need to please people, and dad’s DIY skills.

Ash is about 5’10”, slim with perky boobs and a nice bum. She keeps her blonde hair in a short bob. She’s one of the most beautiful and carefree girls I’ve ever met.

Was she really going to teach me how to kiss?

“Look in my eyes,” Ash told me, “It’s important you make eye contact when you’re about to kiss. Don’t look at her boobs. Or the telly, or anyone else in the room; look in Liv’s eyes as your lips touch. Shut your eyes while you’re kissing, it heightens your other senses when you do that, but as you start to kiss, Look ... In ... Liv’s ... Eyes.”

I looked up into Ash’s eyes, they’re a wonderful clear blue, the kind of eyes you can easily get lost in.

Ash leaned in and touched her lips to mine, just a light touch, almost like a butterfly landing then fluttering away.

My heart skipped more than a few beats as Ash moved in again and touched her lips to mine once more, holding the kiss for a few beats this time.

“Put a hand on my bum,” she whispered before kissing me again, this time her lips parted, and she slipped her tongue between my lips, running it across my teeth before pulling back.

“This is nice,” she gasped, “do you like kissing your sister?”

“Err, yes, I like it,” I replied quickly as Ash kissed me again.

This time Ash wrapped her arms around me, pulling my body to hers. I felt one hand slip down the back of my bed shorts, her palm cupping my arse cheek, massaging it slowly.

After a minute or two, I felt the tip of one of Ash’s finger’s tickle my balls.

“You can do the same to me,” she whispered into my mouth.

I lifted my left hand off her bum cheek and slipped it inside her shorts. I was shocked to notice she wasn’t wearing panties.

“Move your other hand a little, stroke my back or run it through my hair, keep touching me, the contact builds desire.”

I like Ash’s hair, so I placed my right hand carefully on her head and gently ran my fingers through her hair. It was soft and silky.

Ash’s hand clenched my bottom, gripping my cheek almost painfully, her breathing quickened. Her lips locked onto mine as she panted hard for a while before she pulled away, gasping.

“Oh shit, that was amazing. You pass the kissing test, Cal.”

“Err, thanks,” was all my scrambled mind could think to answer.

“Tomorrow we’ll move onto lesson two.”

I was suddenly embarrassed about what we’d done. Ash is my sister, my gorgeous, sexy sister, and I’d kissed her, and she’d cum whilst doing it.

“Aw sweetie, what’s the matter?” Ash asked as she saw me looking everywhere but at her face.

“I dunno, that was nice, but I feel weird now.”

“Why do you feel weird?”

“I just kissed my sister, and I think you just came.”

Ash giggled, it made me smile, “I did cum! It was amazing ... oh gosh, I think you need a bit of attention, you won’t be able to sleep until we do something about it.”

I looked down and saw what she was looking at, the bulge in my shorts. I was horrified and clapped both hands over my groin.

Ash pulled my hands away and motioned me over to the bed. She pulled my cock out of my shorts, “ohh, Liv is going to be a happy girl when she sees this. We haven’t got long, mum will be home from work soon, lie down sweetie and I’ll take that pressure away.”

In a daze I did as she told me, lying on my bed, cock sticking up like a flagpole. Ash licked her hand, then she gently took hold and started to masturbate me.

“Think nice thoughts,” she whispered, “think about what we just did, think about how you’ll use those skills on Liv.”

Ash moved her hand rhythmically, twisting her grip every few strokes. I wasn’t just learning how to kiss tonight, I was learning a new stroke.

“I’m a bit jealous, you know,” Ash’s voice was sounding very sexy now, “Liv is such a pretty girl, I fancy her even more than her sister.”

“Wait ... what? You fancy Taylor?”

“Obviously, we’ve been dating for months.”

“Hang on! You’re dating Taylor, why am I only just finding out about this?”

“Hush baby, you’ll never cum if you keep thinking about other things.”

“I’m thinking about you kissing Taylor, that should do it.”

“If you behave and cum before mum gets home, I’ll send you some pictures of me and Taylor, but you have to keep them private, mum cannot know, she’ll go mad.”

“Are you gay, Ash? Or are you and Taylor just having a bit of fun?”

“I don’t know,” she replied, speeding up her stroke as she sensed me getting near, “I love Taylor, but I also love boys.”

“How many boyfriends have you had? Because you’re really good at this.”

“Only a couple of proper boyfriends. I’ve slept with five boys and six girls. If I had to pick one gender, I think I’d stick with girls, because girls kiss better.”

“You’re a really good kisser, oh wow ... don’t stop Ash, I’m cumming.”

Then she shocked me.

Without breaking stroke, she slipped my head between her lips and swallowed every drop of my orgasm.

As I came down, Ash lifted off me and licked her lips, “mmm, tasty.”

As we heard the front door open, Ash stood and put my cock in my shorts, she straightened her own shorts and t-shirt before walking to the door.

“I’ll go make mum a cup of tea, then I’ll brush my teeth, so it won’t be quite so gross for you when I kiss you goodnight.”

Ash disappeared downstairs, I heard her chattering with mum for a moment, then the kettle boiling.

“What the fuck just happened?” I thought as I picked up my Batman comic.

<Night 2>

The next night Ash returned to my room, she was wearing a short skirt and a loose-fitting t-shirt.

“Mum’s finishing early tonight, so we’ve not got long,” Ash told me as she sat beside me on the bed.

“So last night wasn’t a dream...”

“It was dreamy,” Ash replied as she wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer.

Ash brought her lips to mine, she kissed me, softly at first, then her passions quickly grew, “when it feels right, put your arm around Liv and touch her boob.”

I decided the time was right, I put my arm around Ash and touched the bottom of her breast.

“Oh, that’s nice,” she gasped, “cup it and gently squeeze it ... oh ... steady on, you’re not kneading dough ... Liv is a princess, remember, be gentle. Ahh, that’s better. Her boobs are a bit bigger than mine, you’ll have more fun.”

“Yours are really soft, I love them.”

“And so you should,” Ash giggled as a wave of pleasure ran through her body, “oh shit, Cal, this feels so good. At this rate I’ll be going to the prom with you.”

“That might look weird.”

“Yeah, but you’ll have the only date old enough to get served at the bar.”

“I can see a certain attraction.”

Ash pulled away and lifted her t-shirt, tossing it across the room. My heart skipped many, many beats, and I completely forgot how to breathe as I got my first sight of Ash’s breasts. My first sight of any breasts with my own eyes.

“They’re just boobs, Cal.”

“But ... they’re your boobs ... and ... they’re beautiful.”

“Can I trust you to kiss them without biting a nipple off ... because that would be bad.”

“I ... think so...”

Ash lay back on my bed, “have at it, big boy.”

I was transfixed, all I could do was look at the vision of beauty that was Ash, my sister.

Eventually Ash got bored of waiting, “look, I’ll send you a photo to look at later, but for now, I need you to give my boobs some attention before mum gets home.”

“Err ... can I kiss them?”

“That’s the general idea, buddy.”

“Is it OK if I kneel across you?”

“Anything you like, just get your lips on my tits before I burst.”

I straddled Ash like I’d seen people do in films. Leaning forwards, I brushed my lips against Ash’s left nipple. It came to attention instantly, sticking out like the eraser on a pencil.

“If you’re careful ... nip it with your teeth ... and wibble it with your tongue,” Ash told me, gasping between words.

I did as she suggested, lightly gripping her nipple between my teeth. I ran my tongue over and around. Ash gasped and thrust her pelvis against mine, she ground herself against me, crying out as she came.

“Oh gosh, I’m so horny tonight,” she sighed, “why don’t you play with my other boob at the same time.”

Without moving from her left breast, I reached out and cupped her right one, brushing her nipple with my thumb.

“Oh fuck!” Ash gasped as she lifted her bum clear from the bed and ground herself hard against me, “Oh my god, Cal, you’re making me cum again.”

It was a full minute before Ash calmed down. Even then, her breathing was ragged.

“Shit,” she sighed, using her discarded t-shirt to wipe the sweat from her brow, “I don’t think I need to worry about Liv being disappointed.”

I swung myself off Ash and stepped off the bed.

“Oh my, I think I’ve tented your shorts again,” Ash giggled as she sat up, “come here sweetie, I’ve got time to relieve you before mum gets home.”

Ash reached out and pulled my hard cock from my shorts, she licked her hands before she started another expert hand job.

She used both hands tonight, sliding them hand-over-hand like she was climbing a rope.

“I’m nearly there!” I gasped, hoping she’d put me in her mouth again, but not tonight. Tonight, she pointed me at her beautiful face and grinned as I shot several ropes of sticky cum over her mouth, cheeks and eyes.

“Oh shit Cal, that’s a proper porn facial,” Ash laughed as she scooped it up with her fingers, licking them clean.

Ash tucked me back in my shorts and was pulling on her t-shirt as we heard the front door.

“What have you been doing this evening?” I heard mum asking Ash as she went down to cook mum’s dinner.

“Helping Cal with his biology homework,” Ash replied.

“What’s that on your cheek?”

“Ahh, moisturiser, this damned new one doesn’t rub in so well.”

<Night 3>

The next night Ash was wearing a long t-shirt when she came into my room.

She sat beside me, pulling my face to hers, straight with the heavy petting tonight.

“I really hope you get to third base with Liv, but don’t be upset if it doesn’t happen the first night, not all girls are as forward as me and Taylor.”

“I’ll be happy with a kiss,” I replied truthfully.

“You’re a good person, Cal. I know you won’t push Liv to do something she doesn’t want to.”

We kissed some more, then Ash told me to put my hand on her lap.

I placed my hand where she told me, I could feel the heat from her pussy through her t-shirt.

“Pull my shirt up,” Ash whispered.

I did as she asked.

You know how I forgot to breath when I saw her boobs yesterday.

Imagine what happened when I saw her bare pussy just now...

“Oh my god...” I gasped.

“This is third base, Cal. Touch me, please...”

I placed my hand over Ash’s pussy, she was hot and moist.

“See the little nub at the top?” she asked.


“Why don’t you rub it a little with your thumb ... holy shit ... that’s the spot Cal ... oh shit, don’t stop!”

Ash began to shudder, pushing herself against my hand.

“Oh fuck, Cal, you’ve got me cumming already.”

After Ash calmed down, she asked “do you want to kiss it? Some boys won’t do it, because they’re weird.”

“I guess you put a bit of my dick in your mouth the other day, I should at least return the favour,” I replied as I slid off the bed and knelt between Ash’s thighs.

I gazed upon the majesty of Ash’s pussy, taking in every aspect, the tuft of pale pubes, the slightly protruding pussy lips, moist with desire, then the little nub she told me to play with, her clit. I was guessing this would be the first place I should kiss.

“Holy shit!” Ash cried, proving my suspicion to be correct.

Once Ash’s bottom was back on the bed, I ran my tongue along her lips, I thought for a moment and ran down a little bit further, letting it linger a moment over her bum hole.

“Oh! That’s nice, nobody has done that to me before.”

I pondered pushing my tongue inside her bum, I’d seen a few people do it in videos, but I couldn’t get past the thought of what may lie behind her cute starfish.

Deciding to leave it until she asked, I moved back to her pussy.

“Slide a finger inside, please,” she asked after I’d spent a few minutes lapping her lips and clit.

I ran my middle finger along her by now very wet, pussy lips, before carefully pushing it inside, eliciting a deep, satisfied sigh from Ash.

“Oh wow, that’s nice. Why don’t you push another one in and fuck me, Cal.”

Ash was going wild on my bed. I’m sure someone who knew what they were doing would have made a better attempt at fingering my sister, but she obviously enjoyed what I did, as before too long she was panting from pleasure and exhaustion.

“Only Taylor has made me cum so hard,” she gasped, “I’ve never had a boy come anywhere close before. I was beginning to lose faith in boys in general.”

While Ash got her breath back, I looked at her pussy, comparing how it looked now to how I remembered it pre-orgasms. She was soaking wet now, her juices covering her thighs, and my duvet-cover. Her lips were more pronounced, and a deeper red.

“Mmm, Cal, you still there?”

“Err ... yes, I’m just looking at your lady parts.”

“Make sure you remember where everything is. In case Liv wants to do it with the lights off.”

“Oh, it won’t be as much fun if I can’t see her,” I replied, sadly, “she’s so pretty.”

“She’s very pretty, and I’m sure she’ll be happy to leave at least one light on. Anyway, why don’t you come up here and we can have a cuddle.”

We lay together for a while, holding each other, our lips touching. Ash had one leg over me, rubbing herself against my thigh.

“You make me so horny, Cal. I’m so glad I decided to teach you about sex.”

“I’m glad, also.”

“Ahh, I’ve just seen the time, I’d better get to third base myself,” Ash told me a few minutes later.

She moved down the bed a little and pulled me out of my shorts, “I love your cock,” she sighed before ... oh my god ... she took my whole cock in her mouth.

The next few minutes are mostly lost, my mind a blur as my beautiful sister gave me a spectacular blowjob.

Let me just repeat that.

My sister ... gave me ... a blowjob.

All too soon I felt the tell-tale feeling of an impending orgasm.

“I’m going to cum,” I grunted.

Ash sped up her movements on my dick, she smiled at me with her eyes as my balls grew tight and I let go.

The experience of cumming inside my sister’s mouth was almost psychedelic. Coloured lights swam before my eyes as I pumped jet after jet of spunk down Ash’s throat.

She didn’t spill a drop as she lifted off me. Ash was still smiling as she crawled up the bed and locked her lips to mine, we kissed for a long time, only stopping when we heard the front door.

“Ahh shit,” Ash exclaimed, “I totally lost track of time. Urgh, your duvet cover is a bit messy, drop a t-shirt on it or something. I’ll wash all your bedding at the weekend,” she told me as she pulled on her t-shirt and dashed down to meet mum.

<Night 4>

“Mum’s staying at Terry’s tonight,” Ash told me as we ate pizza whilst watching Fear Street on Netflix, “mmm, Deena is so pretty, don’t you think.”

“Uh-huh,” I replied, reaching for another slice.

“Do you want a beer?” Ash asked, “we’ve been doing such grown-up things this week, I think you deserve a beer.”

Ash jumped up before I could answer and dashed to the kitchen, returning with a couple of bottles of Italian lager.

With the pizza finished Ash moved across the sofa and snuggled up against me, she kissed and nibbled my ear as we watched the end of the film.

“It’s night 4,” she told me, “do you know what that means?”

I didn’t know what to say, even while we made out over the last three nights, I never considered Ash would be happy to go all the way.

“Surely you’re not serious!”

“I am serious,” Ash replied as she swung herself across my lap and brought her lips to mine, “I’m not about to tease you for three nights without the ultimate reward.”

“But ... wouldn’t it be illegal for us to have sex?”

“I’m pretty sure last night’s blowjob would be frowned upon by the authorities, but who’s going to know?”

Any reply I was about to make was swallowed by Ash’s ferocious kiss.

Ash pulled away and slipped off my lap, she took my hand, “come with me,” she told me, her voice low and sultry. I had zero will to refuse.

“Is your duvet still icky,” she asked when we got to the top of the stairs.

“Yeah, I’ve not had chance to change it yet.”

“So, we’ll use your room,” she replied simply, leading me across the landing and into my room.

I’m not sure how she managed it, my only guess is my mind was clouded by desire, but the next thing I knew, Ash was naked and standing proudly in the middle of my floor.

She dropped to her knees, “we’ll carry on where we left off last night,” she told me as she removed the belt from my trousers and unbuttoned them.

With my pants around my ankles, she took my cock in her hungry mouth, taking my whole length and kissing my groin.

“Ahhh,” she gasped, pulling away. “Do you wash your willy after you’ve had a wee?”

“Yeah, of course I do, otherwise I’d have wee in my underpants.”

“If only every boy was so conscientious, Cal. You taste so nice. Come on, you’re hard enough and I’m so horny I think I’ll burst if I don’t have sex in the next few minutes.”

I stepped out of my pants and whipped off my shirt as I followed Ash to my bed.

“Don’t be offended, but do I need to show you what to do?” Ash asked.

“Just tell me if I do anything wrong.”

“Lie on the bed,” she told me, “I’ll go on top for the first one, then you can go on top. If you have the energy and I’m still horny, we’ll go for the 5th base.”

5th base? What the hell is that, I wondered as I lay down.

Ash took me in her mouth again, getting me even harder before straddling my hips. She gripped my cock and slowly lowered herself.

“Ahh,” she signed, “fucking hell, this is what a nice cock feels like.”

She leaned forwards, placing her hands either side of my chest and kissed me whilst her hips did magical things.

“You know Cal, this is the 6th time I’ve had boy-sex, and yours is the biggest cock I’ve had inside me. This makes me very happy.”

This is the point when my addled brain threatened to derail the evening.

“Who are the other five?”

“Well, my first was Mr Watson,” she replied cheerily, not pausing her movements.

“Mr Watson from down the road?”

“Yes, him. He took my cherry. I didn’t enjoy it and I’ve not spoken to him since. The next one was more a bit more fun, remember Jordie Clements?”

“Yeah, didn’t he get kicked out for selling vapes to the Year 7 girls?”

“That’s him,” Ash giggled, “he’s a dick, and he was rough, but until you, his was the biggest cock I’d seen. Then I might have seduced Mr Peters...”

“My geography teacher?”

“Err ... yes...”

“Well, Monday’s lesson is going to be awkward now.”

“If it makes you feel better, he has a tiny penis and he barely lasted long enough to get inside me. I only fucked him because I was way behind with my homework.”

I had to laugh about that, yeah, I can take solace that I’m better in bed than him, and by the sound of things, I’m going to be the first person to sleep with my sister twice.

“After that, I slept with Mikey Donald, he was a bit bigger, but didn’t last much longer than Mr Peters. I felt a little bit sorry for him, he so wanted to impress me, but he lasted under a minute. I’d have given him a second go if his breath hadn’t smelt so bad.”

Ash paused her commentary for a moment, she started to grind her mons against me and kissed me almost aggressively as she came.

“Oh wow!” she exclaimed as she came up for air, “I’ve never cum with a penis inside me before, that was quite special.”

I wasn’t going to last much longer now, I started to thrust, meeting Ash halfway. She was getting close to a second orgasm; I pounded her hard from below as she ground herself harder and harder until she locked her lips to mine, and we came.

Mind ... blown.

As we cuddled in the afterglow, Ash nuzzled up to me, “do you want to hear something that will blow your mind?”

“You blew my mind just then.”

“Yeah, but this is amazing, guess who was number 5!”

“How could I even begin to guess, give me a clue.”

“You love his sister.”

“Oh my god, you slept with Jayden?”

“Yeah,” she laughed, “we’d been drinking, you know, me and Taylor. Jayden came in and I was feeling kind of horny, so we did it.”

“And how did it go?”

“Well, you know how Jayden’s gay?”

“Oh shit, he is!”

“I’m a bit worried I turned him gay...”

Ash wasn’t laughing anymore.

“Do you see how I only slept with each guy once? Why didn’t they want to sleep with me again?”

I moved closer to Ash, our noses were practically touching, “the way I see it, it’s more that you didn’t want to sleep with them again.”

Ash smiled a little at this, “well, I definitely didn’t want to sleep with dirty old Mr Watson again...”

“And the others, it sounds like you didn’t really have a good time with any of them.”

“It was nice with Jayden,” she replied, weakly.

“I really don’t think you turned him gay, Ash. He’s been going out with boys for years.”

“So why did he sleep with me?”

“Ash, I want a truthful answer from you. Did you sleep with those boys because you fancied them or were you just seeing if you liked boys or girls.”

“Mmm,” she pondered, biting her lip again, “I think that maybe I’m a lesbian, because I didn’t really fancy any of them, I just wanted to try sex.”

“And each time you had sex, it wasn’t really what you expected, so you tried it with someone else.”

“Yeah, I think you’re right there.”

“So, we’ve established you’re gay, but you’ve had sex with boys, to see if you liked it.”

“Yes, and now I’ve had sex with you, I know that when you really love the person you’re having sex with, it’s mind-blowing.”

“So, is there a chance that Jayden was just seeing what sex is like with a girl?”

“Oh yes, maybe that’s it, like the opposite to me!” she replied brightly.

“Did he like it?”

“I don’t know, we’ve not really spoken much since.”

“Did you speak much before?”

“Not really.”

“So nothing has changed between you, beyond the fact that you had sex and it wasn’t spectacular enough to want to do it again.”

“I suppose so ... anyway, I think I said you’d be on top next time.”

“So I get to be the first person to have sex with you more than once.”

“Not the first person, that’s Taylor, but the first boy, and I think the only boy...”

“Have I turned you gay!” I cried in mock horror as I rolled on top.

“Yes, you have,” Ash laughed as she fed my rapidly hardening cock into her pussy, “but this is not going to be the last time we’ll have sex. Now I’ve found out how good we are together; I’m keeping you as my pet.”

Ash gripped me tightly as I slid inside. I know what we were doing was wrong, but Ash was right, who was going to find out.

“Have you told Taylor what we’ve been doing,” I asked as I started to thrust into Ash’s tight pussy.

“I told her we’d kissed, but I’m not sure I want to tell her anything else.”

“You said you were with Taylor when you had sex with her brother, what did she say?”

Ash giggled before she answered, “she joined in. She didn’t have sex with him, but she blew him.”

“So, she wouldn’t be weirded out if you told her.”

“Ohhh, do it hard like that for a bit ... ahh, you’re a natural, Cal. Mmm, I don’t think I’ll tell her for a bit, in case she tells Liv and that puts her off you.”

“Ahh, yes. I don’t mind Taylor knowing we’ve done it, because if she’s blown Jayden she’s almost certainly had sex with him.”

“That’s probably true, she’s a total slut...” she laughed.

“Does she have sex with other boys?”

“She used to ... ohhhh, I like what you did there ... I don’t think she has for a few months.”

I concentrated for a minute on trying to repeat whatever it was that I just did that she liked. When she squirmed again, I figured out what she liked and carried on.

“When did you sleep with Jayden?”

“About 6 months ago, since then I’ve only been with Taylor.”

“I think you’re both right for each other,” I told her, “you both need to concentrate on your relationship.”

“But I like having sex with you,” Ash replied plaintively, “I don’t want to lose you ... oh fuck! I’m nearly there ... faster and harder...”

I started to pound my sister in earnest, soon she gripped both arse cheeks, pulling me into her body as she started to scream.

I slammed into her hard as I came.

“Holy shit!” Ash cried as she came at the same time.

I rolled sideways as I flopped, taking Ash with me, we lay face to face as we regained our composure.

Ash kissed me tenderly, “I don’t want to lose you Cal, I’ve really enjoyed these last few days.”

“So have I, but if Taylor is being faithful to you, I think you should be faithful to her.”

A tear ran down Ash’s pretty cheek, I caught it with my tongue.

“See, you’re so sweet, it would break my heart if I couldn’t kiss you again.”

“I don’t think this is something we can think about while we’re naked,” I replied, “we should get dressed and go have another of mum’s beers.”

Ash smiled properly at last, “yes, that’s a good idea.”

We watched an episode of White Lotus while we drank a couple of bottles of mum’s lager, Ash snuggled up as close as she could manage without sitting on my lap.

“Do you like Taylor?” Ash asked me as the credits rolled.

“Yeah, I’ve always liked Taylor, she’s a lot of fun.”

“I mean, do you like, like Taylor, as in, do you think she’s pretty?”

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