Being Nice To Uncle - Cover

Being Nice To Uncle

by Lubrican

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Erotica Sex Story: Chrissy has a plan to get her widowed mother laid. Her favorite man is her Uncle Bob, and who better than him to cure her mother's loneliness. But when she solicits his cock for her mother, she just has to try it out herself first.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Uncle   Niece   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Slow   .

Chrissy shouted to her mother "I'm going over to see Uncle Bob!" as she went out the back door.

She heard her mother yell back "Be nice to him."

Chrissy sighed. What her mother really meant was "Don't tease your Uncle". Her mother didn't understand! Chrissy didn't tease Uncle Bob to be mean. It was just how they treated each other. Ever since she'd been a little girl she'd teased him about his receding hairline, or how his shirt and pants didn't match, or how slow he was when they walked. It didn't matter what it was, she just stood there with her hands on her hips and frowned, saying something critical about him. Then he'd get this special helpless look on his face, and then he would look like he was going to cry. If anyone else saw him, it might look like she had said something that had just CRUSHED him, breaking his spirit FOREVER!

But Chrissy knew what came next. First he growled, soft and low in his throat. That growl got louder and louder as she pretended fright. Then he'd jump at her, catch her, and tickle her, all the time growling about how he was tired of her being mean to him and that he was going to punish her severely. All the time she was shrieking with laughter.

The alternative was that each time she said something he'd look hurt and say "That's one ... you'll pay." If he ever got to three or four, he'd jump up, grab her and the rest was the same.

But if there were other people around, Uncle Bob didn't do any of those things. He just mouthed "That's one" to her. She knew then that, as soon as they were alone, he'd grab her and exact his revenge.

Chrissy grew older, but that didn't effect their game. One day, when she was fourteen, she'd left her bra off because it was too small and hurt. Uncle Bob had noticed and, when he grabbed her and tickled her, he dug his fingers into her breast flesh, poking and squeezing.

Chrissy squealed and slapped his hands, yelling "UNCLE BOB!! Those are my BOOBS! You can't touch my boobs!"

He had frozen, then, holding her shoulders, had pushed her away from him at arms length. He looked her up and down and said "By golly you HAVE grown boobs!" He took one finger and poked her right breast, right about where the nipple was. "And pretty nice boobs at that!"

Chrissy slapped his hand away again. "Don't touch them ... you CAN'T touch them." she said firmly.

He held up both of his hands, his fingers dished, as if to cover both breasts.

"What do you mean? I DID touch them. I ALREADY touched them. Maybe you'll give your elders some RESPECT now that you have ... BOOBS!"

When he said the word 'boobs' he reached out and cupped, then squeezed both her tender young breasts. Then he was tickling her again and she was squirming and shrieking like she always had.

Ever since then, whenever he tickled her, he fondled her breasts. She didn't mind, really. He never did anything else and he never overdid it. In fact, after a while she started to crave the feel of his big man hands on her sensitive breasts. She stopped wearing bras altogether whenever she was around him. She knew he could tell, and that it encouraged him to play with them a little. Lately he'd taken to squeezing her nipples in quick little nips that sent chills through her and made her wish he'd squeeze them harder, or longer or something.

All in all, it had felt nice. Really nice. In fact, that's what had caused her to think of her mother. Chrissy's father had died years ago, and her mother had never remarried. She was pretty, and smart and guys should have been beating down her door, but she never dated. Chrissy was sure she was lonely and unhappy, but she hadn't been able to figure out how to convince her mother to begin seeing men again. So, Chrissy had decided to involve Uncle Bob. He was her mother's brother, after all, and should know enough about his sister to be able to give Chrissy some advice.

So, when she got to his house that day, she passed up the chance to be rude and get tickled. She had more important things to do.

"Uncle Bob?" she yelled as she went in through the back door.

"In the bathroom" he yelled back.

Chrissy went to the door, which was only half closed. She stood where she couldn't see him, of course.

"Uncle Bob? I need to talk to you."

"What's up?" came his deep voice from the bathroom. She heard the splash of water in the bowl and realized he was peeing. "Did some pimple faced boy knock you up or something?" he called out.

Chrissy almost didn't understand what he'd said. This was because she'd decided to peek and had edged one eye around the open door until she could see what was going on. She wasn't prepared for what she saw. Uncle Bob's penis was about seven or eight inches long, long enough that he had his whole hand around it, holding it while he pissed in the bowl.

If you'd have asked her, Chrissy would have said she knew about erections and all that stuff.

But Uncle Bob's penis WASN'T erect! In other words, when it DID get stiff, it would be a MONSTER, pure and simple.

Then the content of what he'd said hit her.

"UNCLE BOB!" she screeched. "I can't believe you said that," she said as she backed up.

He had started putting his big cock away in his pants and she didn't want to get caught peeking. Just as she got to safety the door opened and there was her Uncle.

"Why can't you believe I said that?" he smiled. "I figure all the boys at school are dreaming about knocking you up." He said it so matter-of-factly that it gave her pause.

"No they aren't" she said, as if she had just gotten the joke. But her Uncle didn't look like it had been a joke. "Are they?" she finished weakly.

"Of course they are" said her Uncle. "They're boys and you're gorgeous. That's what boys think about when they see a good looking woman."

He said that in an awfully serious vein too. Chrissy felt her neck begin to flush. Her handsome Uncle had just called her gorgeous and good looking!

"Now, what's the big emergency?" he said as he herded her toward the living room.

So Chrissy sat down next to him on the couch and told him all about how her mother was lonely, and young and pretty and that she needed a man, and how she thought he could help. When she finished he sat there quiet for a minute.

"Let me get this straight. You want me to help you get your mother laid." he said.

Chrissy blushed beet red. "NO! I mean, well not exactly. I mean ... that's not what I meant. Or at least that's not what I was thinking. Couldn't she just go on dates or something? Get to know some guys? Stuff like that? I mean you and I have LOTS of fun, and I want her to have some fun too."

Her Uncle looked straight at her. "Sweetie" he said. "Adult relationships aren't quite the same as what you and I do."

As he said this he very deliberately reached out to the where her left nipple was poking out through her T shirt and squeezed it gently. It was different than when he did it tickling her. She felt a flash of pain/pleasure shoot from that nipple to her belly.

She slapped at his hand. "Stop that. Behave yourself!" she scolded. "That's different" she went on. "We're just playing."

His hand came up and slid down her hair on the side of her face.

"That's what I mean, pumpkin" he said. "We just play, but when adults get together, they don't want to play, they want to have real love ... to make love. At least they do eventually. And if both of them don't get to that place in the relationship at the same time, well ... it gets difficult to continue the relationship. And the problem is that guys get there pretty quick. Probably quicker than your mother would. She's been out of the game for a long time, Chrissy."

"But, I don't understand" moaned Chrissy. "I mean you and I love each other and you don't want to get into MY pants."

She said it and then saw a guarded look flash across his face. He didn't say anything.

"Uncle Bob?" she said.

He still didn't respond. Chrissy felt more blood rushing to her neck and face. "Do you?" she asked.

Finally he spoke. "Look pumpkin. Like I said. Guys who see beautiful women and are interested in them just think that way. And both you and your mother are stunners. It doesn't mean anything in particular. It's just the way we're wired."

Chrissy sat, stunned. Her Uncle LUSTED after her! She felt weak for a second. He thought she and her mother were beautiful! She AND HER MOTHER! Chrissy thought furiously about the inferences being made. A very strange feeling came over her.

Surely he wasn't serious.

But she had to know. She had to find out. And she could think of only one way to find out. Without thinking about it any further, Chrissy turned to her Uncle, grasped his face in both her hands, and kissed him on the lips. She'd only made out one time in her whole life, with Danny Tomkins, and he'd taught her to French kiss. She'd thought it was pretty hot then, and she used her limited experience of that kiss now, slipping her tongue into her astounded Uncle's mouth. He didn't try to pull away, so she kept kissing him until she found she couldn't breathe. She broke the kiss and immediately darted her right hand to the front of his pants, where that mammoth peter of his should be.

It was there, all right. No problem finding it. It was punching the front of his pants out at least four inches. He was hard as a rock.

It was clear, perfectly plain to see, that her Uncle Bob wanted to have sex with her. He had been telling the truth. And the odd thing was that the fact that he wanted to have sex with her didn't bother her at all like she would have thought it would.

"Chriiiiis" he said in that voice that would normally have said she was in trouble. But Chrissy suddenly knew that she had power, and she wasn't frightened in the least.

"Well" she panted as she caught her breath. "We've established that men DO want to have sex with beautiful women, and that you weren't just teasing me. Good. Good. That's progress. OK. Now here's my idea. You and my mom already know and love each other, right? Right! And she wouldn't feel strange around you. So all we have to do is get the two of you together in a romantic setting and let nature take its course!"

Uncle Bob smiled. "I suppose that's a fine idea, Pumpkin, except for one little thing. What makes you think your mother would even think about getting involved with ME, her BROTHER, in any way even remotely sexual?"

"Simple" she said calmly. "I'm quite sure she'd think about it, for the same reason that I thought about it. I mean you're my Uncle, right? And I just found out that what you said about men wanting a woman goes both ways. When I ... I mean when we were kissing, you could have done just about anything in the world you wanted to with me and I wouldn't have said a single word. If I can feel that way, why couldn't my mother?"

She leaned closer to him and put her hand back in his lap, grasping his boner firmly.

"And it's pretty obvious there won't be any problem from THIS little guy."

Her Uncle sat stock still as she caressed his erection.

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