A story in the "Jennifer, Sex Governess" Universe
An Internet ad leads 22-year-old Jen to an unusual family and a job as sex governess for four teens when she isn't submitting sexually to their parents. The college-age pedophile corrupts a young girl and three boys while her limits are tested by parents who apparently have none. Not a stereotypical D/S story, it's about control and dominance of other people's sex lives, often in kinky scenarios with underage (14+) incest. Story codes include mm because boys should be versatile.
If you're not already member of the Peanut Gallery, this story will surely seem obscure. Puppet sexuality? If you're a Howdy Doody fan, do read on. If you watched TV with a sibling... Well, I can't speak for you.
An Almost Like a Song Story (7) Chapter 7 of the "Almost like a Song" series. Mickey and Dave visit the brother and sister of Dave's late wife. Then a call comes from New Orleans...
Trent buys a pheromone drug on the internet to seduce his high school crush, but things take a strange turn when he's waylaid by a storm and trapped in the house alone with his mother.
Lori and Tommy are fraternal twins. Lori pulls her back and Tommy offers a massage to help relieve the pain. Initially skeptical, Lori finally gives in and accepts Tommy's offer. Twin versions of the same story, fraternal in their own right.