Gas Leak (2) Diane goes home to be reunited with her mother after the events of an earthquake in the town of Sherwood. This is part 2 of the Gas Leak saga
A Swarm Cycle Story
Mary is a prude, a extremely religious woman who finds herself in the middle of a Pickup. How does she react when her ex informs her he is taking the children, but offers her a slot as a concubine, if she can overcome her distaste for anything sexual. Told from both his and her perspective.
As a child Alex's mom raised him as the daughter she couldn't have. As a result he grew up very feminine. He is the brunt of all sorts of teasing in school until Jordon took him under her wing. But there is a price. That is what 'Boy Toy' is all about, the price!!!
Samira thought that sex with her long-term partner, Amelia, on that Saturday morning was probably going to be the highlight of her day. The weekly food shop and a walk afterward seemed unlikely to top it. Boy was she wrong!