When Sarah, a grounded yet adventurous young teacher, takes a quiet drive through the countryside, her journey is interrupted by a stunning, otherworldly encounter. Abducted by a dying alien race desperate to preserve their kind, Sarah is thrust into a sensual, high-stakes intergalactic experiment. As her body and mind are transformed in unimaginable ways, she must navigate the boundaries of fear, desire, and her role in the survival of a species on the brink of extinction.
An older sister finds her younger college sophomore brother blackout drunk naked on his bed and can not stop herself from trying him out for a ride and leads to some unexpected consequences for her and a younger sister of her BFF
Wife wants to explore sex with others but only with her amazing tits. Her husband wonders how long that limitation will last but figures it will be fun to find out
Dan wakes up in 1992, when he was just 15. He doesn't recall his past life in 2019 at all, nor does he know that various spirit guides have given him a do-over per his birthday wish. They've found their man and his fresh start will mean a very different adolescence at the head of a sex cult.
When single-dad Matthew Redstun forbids his seventeen year old daughter from attending her highschool's sex ed classes, she demands that he teach her instead. He agrees to do so, but she unexpectedly takes his words to heart and decides to get in some practice with him...
This addendum to "Summer Camp" is fan fiction and not canon. Some of the words are taken directly from Nick Scipios Summer Camp Book Four, Chapter Nine. Since the Summer Camp series is Paul's story, many side stories never get told and always left open questions for me. This story is one I needed to hear told. Since it seemed to me to be the point at which Paul and Kendall's story ended I wanted to figure out what she had done to put the last straw on the camel.