Cindy and Linda, locked in a relationship of mind control, in an agreement that lasts a year, one as mistress, one as slave. And that year is almost up -- time to switch places!
An Amazon Tales Story (2) The adventures of two characters in the story Naked Amazons. This pair rejoin the Amazons after two years of luxury, intending to surpass Joanne's record. They finally regret their foolishness, but not before they have many painful experiences.
Sharon is willing to try just about anything to save her relationship with Tyke, but whenever they talk, they argue. She tries a new approach, with some success, but even that strays off course. Maybe they're just not meant to be together. It's probably a stretch to call it a romantic story, but I've been itching to try something in that genre.
Ch 1- Wife is captured and displayed on internet feed.
Ch 2- My wife teases on her way to work on the NYC subway. She goes well beyond exposing herself to a few strangers, but stops before they were ready to stop. Royally pissed off, they seek revenge.
Ch3 - Her harsh, foul, cruel punishment by rape and gang bang!
Ch4 - She's rescued and learns a big lesson!?!{B}
Unknowingly boarding a slaver, a seafarer realises his darkest desires when delivered by a storm to his final destiny. He endures as his deserving shipmates are shown the error of their ways, after he's witnessed the atrocities carried out by them. A native woman, one of their victims, proves to be his saviour, but for how long? The justice of womanhood will be known, and their pleasure in serving it upon those deserving males is experienced in the extreme by the hapless seaman
An old sex partner returns, but is so undecided in her sexual approach that her hot one minute cold the next leads her to be harshly treated - read on.