Tony a young boy of 19 gets himself into a whole series of sexual escapades. He is sent in disgrace to live with a young Aunt, very little older than himself. She is as bad, if not worse than him. She uses him as a male whore, and then sells him on to a friend to marry. All this is revenge for the way she too was brought up by Tonys mother Who is a bit of a religious nut.This runs for 25 chapters with a Part3 on the drawing board.
A Story in the Trashy Sexploitation/Guilty Pleasures Universe
Peggy Connors has a wonderful home and a husband to pay for it. Still, there are a few things that she needs to learn. Like how to take satisfaction from life's little things. Or better still, from life's bigger things. And then how to give satisfaction in return.
This is the story of Mary O’Donnell, a story of survival against terrible odds. Using her wits and her ability to adapt, to do whatever it takes to survive, she overcomes obstacles and triumphs over adversity.
17 yr old Tess had caught his fancy when she made his lunch at the cafe. Imagine his good fortune when he got to provide her with a bed for the weekend when her friends left her in the lurch. Her bed saw little use after she slid into his bed on the first night. She was an older guy's wet dream come true.
As the title indicates, this is the second in the "Revenge" series. Julie couldn't just leave it alone. She tried to have me killed. Fail. So I went back for seconds. Got her sister too. And some of Keri's friends. And a couple of Great Danes because, well, why knot, er, why not? You should read the first book before this one. Also, this is EXTREME! Not kidding! You have been WARNED! Don't kill the messenger (author). I'm not the protagonist! Proceed with EXTREME caution!
Jackson works as a maintenance man on the Gulf Coast of Florida. He was working at a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). That job frizzled, so Jackson applied to work at a large condominium. He’s hired to replace the current man who’s leaving since that guy is retiring. A lot of healthy, needy ladies live at the condo. The maintenance log book, which was passed down, has some cryptic euphemisms in it. Warning - contains much sex.
A story in the Dana Universe
I just wanted to get some yard work done. My hormones, a hot nephew, and a power outage put an end to that. With an assist from a furry friend.
A coming of age story for a group of early teens coming of age in the late 1950's. Larry enjoys the attentions of the girls in his school, and around his neighborhood.