A high school principal finds himself in a strange world of magic and sensuality, one where certain water springs are sacred and some tribes regard casual sex as perfectly normal. Even so, who is the enigmatic blonde who offers him her body without asking anything in return?
12,487 words
Sex Contents: Stroke Story
Tagged With: Consensual, Romantic, NonConsensual, Reluctant, Rape, Coercion, Magic, Lesbian, BiSexual, Heterosexual, Fiction, Time Travel, Historical, Incest, Mother, Son, Sister, Father, Daughter, InLaws, BDSM, DomSub, MaleDom, FemaleDom, Rough, Humiliation, Sadistic, Torture, Swinging, Group Sex, Orgy, Harem, Polygamy/Polyamory, White Couple, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Teacher/Student, Clergy, Violent, School, Nudism, Military