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Writer Mick: Blog


Strawberry Patch Error

Posted at

Hi All

First, thank you to all who wrote to me and brought the error in posting up to me. It took me a bit to catch on because I was looking at the story as it was posted in my library and it wasn't until I pulled it up off the site listing that I saw that you were all correct.

I have submitted Chapter 24 again and hopefully Laz will get it posted soon. So the cliffhanger should be revealed soon.

Thank you again for your readership and for caring enough to write me with the correction. I also appreciate that no one dropped a "You Suck!" on me for the error.


It's Better!

Posted at

Hi All

I just realized that the version of Chapter 23 of The Strawberry Patch Book 3 was only partially edited.

I have submitted the fully edited chapter and as soon as Laz gets it posted, I would hope that you would read it again, if you already have read it. I also hope that you will enjoy reading it for the first time.

I am in the midst of my rewriting project and I'm writing a whole new story AND I'm working on a new Mike and Renee story. There are also a couple of short, dark, nasty storied that just might piss off everyone who reads them. I'm sitting on those.

Sometimes I get in a mood, what can I say.

Thanks for your readership and please don't go crazy over the cliffhanger. I know some of you have lost it in the past because of my little twists.

Thanks again to Askepot666 for his editing efforts.


More corrected stories postyed

Posted at Updated:

Hi All

I posted an edited version of "My Bros Don't Like Cheaters Either" and "Free At Last - 2" tonight.

Laz should have them up and posted on Thursday morning.

I'm still amazed over how clumsy and badly spelled some of my early work is.

Maybe I should have paid more attention to the "You Suck!" comments!

Anyway, if you choose to reread the stories, thank you and please vote and please let me know if you find errors, like normal!



More News

Posted at

Hi All

I finished the correction and rewrite of "Expect Me When You See Me".

As with previous stories, this one had no editor and now that I've been helping some friends with their work, I can see my own work with a more critical eye.

I hope you can take the time to read this story again and that you enjoy it more than the first time. If you are reading for the first time, thank you and I hope you enjoy the story.

As always if you find any errors, I am always open to positive criticism, except for "You suck!"



Posted at Updated:

Hi All

First a Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans who still believe that we live in a wonderful country founded by amazing men.

Second, in my never ending effort to unscrew some of my unedited writing, I have just finished going through "I'll See You When I See You". I've corrected spelling and spacing errors AND fixed some of the continuity errors that some of my wonderful readers caught.

I am reposting all 10 chapters today and will begin working on some other stories over the summer. I also have a completed story that has 11-12 chapters in the hands of my editor and a few friends with better command of the language I insult each time I write. I have been going back and forth on putting it on Patreon first and then following her on SOL. No decisions made yet.

I am up to Chapter 45 of "The Strawberry Patch - Life on The Savannah" and have realized that I let some of the pissed off readers affect me too much. In an effort to fend of tragedy and cliff hangers, I'm afraid that I made the story a little too bland. So I went back and reread the book from chapter 1 and I'm making some changes. They will be posted with notices from me as I go.

Thank you again for your readership and for your comments.




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