Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Writer Mick: Blog


One More Thing!

Posted at

Hi All Again

A while back, I got a totally silly idea and wrote a story about a drop of sweat making an agonizingly slow journey down a girls back finally ending in her butt crack.

I had, what I thought was, an interesting twist at the end. I figured it was going to be a funny WTF finish.

However, some of you didn't care for it at all and it languished down in the 5 point range, but today it burst into the 6 range with a magnificent 6.05 score!

Thank you for your readership and your vote!


Wheeeeee Part 2

Posted at Updated:

Hi All

Well today I finished the rewrite of "Another Dark And Stormy Night" and even if I do say so myself, it made the story better and I found one continuity error as well and a few spelling errors. Remember I had no editor back then.

So the redone chapters (3-11) should be posted in the morning. I hope that you will fight through the first several chapters, since I did write in a rather unconventional manner as I built the story.

I'm going to be working on some others starting tomorrow.

Thanks for reading and for your comments



Posted at

Hi All

I just posted the first two chapters of the rewrite of "Another Dark And Stormy Night".

There were some things n te wording that I was just not happy with and last night I fixed them, I think. Over the next week I'll read and fix other things that I may find and, hopefully, make reading it a more enjoyable event.

Thanks again for your readership, and for your comments


More rewritten stories

Posted at

Hi All!

Well after a little mishap with two 50lb boxes of human blood falling off of my delivery truck and landing on me, causing me to really mess up my MCL, my muse took me on an alternate path.

I picked back up on my rewriting of previous, unedited stories. So I have submitted "The Butt Of Choice", "You Are NOT The Father", "In Or Out", and Strike Four" for Laz to post on Monday. I amazed at how much I had to rewrite. My style has really grown since June 2018.

I hope you will read the stories, either for the first time or to check out just how rough my writing used to be!

Oh! By the way, a few of the last shorter stories that I recently posted really set off some folks. I have been writing those stories to see if I could touch the readers. In some cases I pissed some folks off and in the same story I had great positive comments.

One more thing, thank you to all who have been voting for The Strawberry Patch Book 3 - Life On The Savannah. It has been holding just over 8 on Laz's scoring system and there just aren't many stories as short as SP B3 with scores in the 8's.

Thanks to all of you for your readership and your comments.


Strawberry Patch Error

Posted at

Hi All

First, thank you to all who wrote to me and brought the error in posting up to me. It took me a bit to catch on because I was looking at the story as it was posted in my library and it wasn't until I pulled it up off the site listing that I saw that you were all correct.

I have submitted Chapter 24 again and hopefully Laz will get it posted soon. So the cliffhanger should be revealed soon.

Thank you again for your readership and for caring enough to write me with the correction. I also appreciate that no one dropped a "You Suck!" on me for the error.




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