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Hi All
The working title was "The Shit Hits The Fan" and when you read the first part, you will understand why. Then my muse took off and here we are!
A new story in four parts, but all posted at the same time. I had no editor for this one, so if you find errors it's all your fault.
I hope you enjoy this and thank you again for your readership and your support over the years.
Hi All
The rewrite is posted! I hope you will give Chapter 4 a read and see if I finished it off on a better manner.
Hi Kids!
Well I asked and you replied.
First, those who said that I should do my thing unfettered my the thoughts of my readers, thanks, but a writer writes for two. Him/her self and those who read. I mean would Shakespeare or Gordon Johnson be who they are if no one read them?
When many people tell you that you are dead, you should consider laying down. And when many commentators tell you that the story was really good until the ending, then a writer should look at the ending.
I did. I made some changes to the first three chapters and completely rewrote the end of the last chapter to better tie up the many loose ends that I left dangling. I know that even my lady readers don't like dangling loose ends!
I have submitted all four chapters to Laz to post, so they should be out there as soon as "He Who Must Be Obeyed" gets them up and running.
Thank you again for your readership and your comments.
Hi All
Goodness! The comments have been really interesting.
I have to admit that when I wrote the beginning for the first chapter, my idea was to write four different endings.
There was going to be one for the BTB fans. One for the cuckold fans. One for the Scorched earth fans. And one that was going to be a twisted Mick finish.
Thanks to all who have commented. Even those who will give the story a 1 score when the ending doesn't fit their ilk.
Hi All
First thanks for the comments on "I Know You Do". Some seem confused over my style.
I'm a very calm and level headed guy. It takes a lot to set me off. I'm much more likely to walk away than do scortched earth.
Several have asked me to write the next chapter a certain way. But I never start posting chapters until the whole story is done. After the last two chapters on Fri and Sat, depending on comments and suggestions, I may make changes.
Thanks again to my readers.
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