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Writer Mick: Blog


Finishing An Open Story

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Hi All

I started "You Are Really Going to Enjoy Swinging Again" as a short flash story. Then my muse dropped a bomb on it and it exploded into two chapters and she was after me to finish it. So, I did.

Again, unedited, except by myself using the new skills I'm learning, the first two chapters are corrected and will be posted ASAP. The 3rd chapter will post Sunday morning and the f=4th and final chapter will post on Tuesday morning.

Also, work is progressing on another new story and, of course, The Strawberry Patch continues.

OH! One more little thing. Thanks to all of you who wrote me and gave me bits of info on Buffalo. I used some of the comments to investigate further and the results are that it would appear that I will not take the offered job in Buffalo.

It would fit my wants, needs, and skill set to a T, but I would end up paying 38% of my earnings in taxes. At my age, I would rather put that money into retirement.

Looks like I will soon be an Okie! Or maybe, I'll just stay here in Boise. Time will tell.

Here's hoping all will work out.

Have You Ever Had To Make Up Your Mind?

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Hi All

The Lovin' Spoonful had a song with this title way back when I was a kid.

Now I find myself in this situation. I've been retired from my profession (burned out) for a year and the other day I saw a video that fired me up again. Now I find myself with two opportunities.

One has all the advantages, but the other needs my specific skill set. The one pulling on my heart is in Buffalo, NY. I mean the Peoples Fucking Republic of New Fucking York!?!?!?

I don't know what to do. I need to make the choice very soon as both positions would like me in place by mid-November.

Anyone having any psychic vibes, please let me know.

Oh! And I have been blessed with a wonderful pair of editors. One of them has made The Strawberry Patch so much better, and the other is making my next long story into something I never dreamed I could do. As soon as the 26th chapter is edited and the story finished, I'll begin posting it.

It is called 'Friends and Family' and it was supposed to be my breakout into Patreon, but I decided that I didn't want to get into a situation where I felt I HAD to write. I think my muse would have gone on strike for higher wages!


OK! OK! OK! I Got The Message!

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Hi All

I got many comments on "You Are Really Going To Enjoy Swinging". other than the "You Suck" ones most were having to do with the story needing fleshing out.

So I just posted Chapter 2! It is told from a different point of view, but ends at the same place. So don't give me any crap about the ending.

Maybe it isn't the ending!!!!!!

And yes, I am at The Shedd watching my Clemson Tigers squeak one out and drinking Shiner Bock.

Bitch on my loving followers, let me have it again.


I Know! Don't Drink And Write!

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Hi All

Well at 2AM I finished writing and posting "You Are Really Going To Enjoy Swinging" just after I finished my sixth bottle of Shiner Bock.

I was at The Shedd and was having a great time and the words were flowing like....like....beer!

This morning, I looked at it again and while I like the idea, I made some edits and filled in some holes.

I've submitted it again and I do like it more.

Same as last time. I edited it, all errors are mine. Anything that works is a miracle!


Ha Ha! I was drinking Shiner and had the urge to write!

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Hi All

I was sitting at The Shedd and drinking Shiner Bock and suddenly POOF! My muse shows up and sprinkles her magic powder on me and I started typing.

Again, no editor has touched this thing so if you find errors it's all my fault. If you don't find any errors, it's a miracle!




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