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Hi All
A little while back I posted the first three chapters of "Friends and Family". It was a tease.
Since then I had the story edited by DaveT and I wrote the first three chapters to take care of some continuity errors.
Since I already had the first three 'raw' chapters put up, I decided to post the 2nd and 3rd chapters now.
Next Sunday I'll begin posting the new chapter every week and I'll turn on the voting.
Thanks for the comments and readership.
Hi All
A new short story today "Put Your Hand In Mine" and Sunday the first installment of "Friends and Family".
The first could go on for a second story and the second will be 11 chapters.
After that I'll post another short series and then I should be able to begin posting The final book of The Strawberry Patch.
Thank you again for your readership and your comments, AND to the person that nominated me as Author of the Year. Wow!
Hi All
The last chapter of The Strawberry Patch:Book 3 is posted. I hope those who complained about me killing off people or having too many cliff hangers are happy!
Friends and Family starts next week. Other shirt stories will pop up as I clear my head for SP Book 4.
Thanks again for the comments and votes.
Hi All
I've finished cleaning up one of my personal favorite stories, "Another Dark And Stormy Night".
It is a sci-fi story and although it seems kind of repetitive in the early chapters, it picks up speed. There isn't any raw sex to speak of, but for some reason I really enjoyed writing it and reading it again as I did my now educated edit.
I'm still working on some other stories and will post those as I finish them.
The last chapter of The Strawberry Patch:Book 3 - Life On The Savannah will post this Sunday like usual and then the following Sunday (Feb23) I'll begin posting "Friends and Family".
I'm proud of this new story and I hope you like it as much as I do.
Thanks again for your readership,
Hi All
In an effort to redeem myself from my previous uneducated and unedited writing efforts, I've been spending considerable spare time going back over past efforts and correcting them, using the lessons I have received from Askepot and DaveT.
The latest efforts are reposts of "Equilibrium" and "A Plan Comes Together". Please feel free to read them again, if you already have, or for the first time. Let me know if you can spot errors. And if they are worth a better score, I would appreciate it. Well, my poor writer's ego would. I'm fine!
Thanks again for everyone's readership. I so appreciate it.
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