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Hi All
I don't know where it came from, but it did. I'm not going to figure it out, because the reason might scare the snot out of me!
Hi All
The second to last chapter of Book 3 - Life On The Savannah is posted today. After next week, I will begin to post "Friends and Family". I'm 4-5 chapters into Book 4 - Babies, Please Don't Go. As soon as I get about 10 chapters written, I'll see if my editor has come out of rehab after working with me for a year.
I'm so very thankful for your readership and your comments! I got so many complaints about how I ended Book 1 and Book 2, I decided to go for a much less violent story in Book 3. Book 4" I don't know what my muse has in mind, but the children will get to White Castle, in an enclosed bus. Erin will have her last brood. The children will start at public school. The Savannah Band will have it's moments.
AND, since I've moved from Boise, ID to Bartlesville, OK I'll have to find a spot to replace The Shedd and see if the Butt is still worshiped here.
And to the guy who wrote me the interesting note about "A Small Drop In A Famous Butt" - Yes, I did!
Thanks again
Hi All
Well my KC Chiefs did good. My Clemson Tigers not so much. Such is life.
I just submitted for posting a very edited "You Are Going To Like Swinging Again" for your entertainment.
Again my thanks to Askepot and DaveT for their education in the fine art of the English language. In editing the story, I felt like I was grading and correcting a first graders work. So many errors.
If you care to read it again, my thanks.
Hi All
I've just submitted "I Know You Do" to be posted after it was edited and corrected and, I hope, improved.
The editing efforts will continue.
Also, thank you to whoever nominated me for Author of the Year in the Clitorides. After looking at the others nominated I don't think I have a chance, but it is lovely to be in their company.
Hi All
One of you wonderful readers caught a huge error in Ch 47 of The Strawberry Patch:Life On The Savannah. It was after my wonderful editor Askepot made a suggestion in a sentence.
It has been fixed. Apparently my new wireless mouse is a bit wonky and if I highlight something and slide my finger a certain way on the right button, the highlighted section is deleted!
Last I saw the mouse it was sailing out the window and into a dumpster in the back alley three floors down!
Thanks to d119b63 for the catch!
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