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Hi All
If you haven't noticed, none of the authors who write erotica seem to use their real names. Society is an evil mistress.
A friend of mine was asking me about any hobbies I had and I had just finished my third glass of Laphraoig, so I told her how to look me up on SOL.
She did and then she asked what she should read. I told her to start with the short stories in 'The Worship Of The Butt" universe and then look at anything with a score of 7 or higher.
I'm looking forward to her impression and if she recognizes herself.
Thanks for reading in this strange time.
Hi All
Between a messed up vacation (thanks government and minor virus) and being shut out of work (ditto thanks) and a few other things, I rewrote a few stories.
"Free At Last" and "Free At Last-2" were rewrites of stories currently posted, but in need of editing and clarifications. Then there was a story that I posted for about three days and then pulled. It was a horrible story, that was poorly written and was built around a horrible concept.
"Fuck Off, Asshole" is the name of that story and I'm happy with the results of the rewrite.
If you look at my library, you will see stories that score from 8+ to low 5's. I don't write for scores. I write for releasing what I'm feeling, good or bad. Posting what I write clears my mind and my heart.
Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it.
Hi All
Well I'm near the end of my vacation. The day after I got here, they closed down the entire metro area. No movies, no bars, no restaurants, nada! I couldn't go home because I prepaid for the hotel and I wouldn't get a refund.
I did have a couple of days to spend with my son and his new wife (they are pregnant!). I've been catching up on reading and some writing and some rewriting.
I just posted a rewrite of "Swapping Wives". The ending was a little sloppy. I hope I fixed it.
The next chapter of "Friends and Family", the 2nd Lissa chapter will post on Sunday morning. I'm heading home tomorrow morning and I'll spend the weekend writing. My big goal is to finish and post a new story, I don't have a name for it yet.
It's a three hour drive home and I'm heading out early in the AM. I'll be home before noon. As of right now, Bartlesville, OK has not been attacked by the panic monster to the extent that the bars and restaurants are closed or that there is no TP in the stores.
Looking forward to sitting down to a good steak, some roasted Brussels sprouts, and a solid salad instead of fast food.
Take care my friends.
Hi All
It's 4:41AM Central Time. I just finished writing a story that was buzzing around in my head since about 7PM.
I'm supposed to make a three hour drive to KC tomorrow. Maybe I'll start late.
I love you! Good Night/Morning
Hi All
It just hit me.
"Swapping Wives" is the 50th story that I have posted!
A few good ones a few stinkers that I need to fix.
Overall, a very satisfying few years.
Thanks to all of you for adding to the satisfaction.
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