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Writer Mick: Blog


With A Little Help From My Friends

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Hi All

The most wonderful DaveT took time out of his life to edit "I'll Fall In Love Again?" after I added chapters 5 & 6. I caught a few big time goofs and pointed out some faults that I thought I had learned to correct. Oops!

I have posted all six rewritten chapters. The story didn't change, but I think the fixes may have explained the actions of the characters in a more clear manner.

Chapter 17 of "Friends and Family", also edited by DaveT will post Sunday morning. This is the last of the Diana chapters. After this the kids return home.

Again, thank you to all who made comments. I must admit that this story brought the greatest range of positive and negative remarks. I guess that means I wrote something that affected a lot of people.

I appreciate your readership


WOW! I'll Fall In Love Again? Comments

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Hi All

The comments from this little effort were amazing. I guess I need to go back and rewrite the story to explain Mr. Bowens motivations and actions and then Paul's motivations and actions.

You see to me, I can see a man on the brink of having a huge company wanting to only have honest men work with him. Now, many have said that an honest man would never have a mistress. But my question is why not? Why can a man NOT learn to love two women, especially when he has to learn to love a cheater again? With both women starting from scratch why could a man not fall for both?

The PA was interviewed based on her abilities and talents. Once the selection got down to a few women, they were shown Paul's details. His voice, build, abilities were randomly mixed with others so the women could pick their favorites. and Penny picked Paul every time. So I don't see her as a prostitute as some comments said.

Then there is the issue of Deb and her cheating and trying to get back in Paul's good graces. She chose to cheat when tested and Paul did not. Now she has to find a way back into Paul's life. I do think that I could have done better in the new chapters to explain the building of Paul and Penny's relationship and the stagnating of Paul and Deb's. I'll fix that.

Deb did everything she could to hang on to Paul. It took years for Paul and Deb to move to friends, and then friends with benefits, but he never trusted her like he had in the past. He told her until he trusted her, they would not have kids. I don't see how readers think that Paul screwed her life. He gave her years to get back but it didn't happen.

There have been all sorts of comments on my various stories over the years, but these made me think that people were reading a completely different piece of writing. I guess that is my fault as an author for not making things crystal clear.

I like the premise of the story and I'll go back and address some of the concerns the commenters had. Especially the commenters that I respect like Tefler.

It will take me several days to go back and explain my characters actions. Then I'll repost all six chapters. I know that many of the commenters only ready my efforts because they are stuck at home. Hopefully those who didn't like it will enjoy some of the more light-hearted stuff like in the 'Worship Of The Butt" Universe.

Until then, I have a story in the works that looks at the start of the O'Dell's in the Mick and Renee Universe ("I'll See You When I See You" and "Expect Me When You See Me"). There is also a murder mystery (The Saturday Running Man Killer) that I have several endings in my mind to write.

I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and made sure to reverence those who served and gave their all for the right we have to write and read the sort of things on the SOL website.


I'll Fall In Love Again

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Hi All

WOW! The power of readers!

So many sent me feedback on "I'll Fall In Love Again" that I had to write a finsish to the story.

We left off with the kids sitting at dinner with the boss and being told that he had set them up to either cheat or be faithful.

Deb cheated and Paul did not. Where did it go from their?

I have never gotten so much feed back from readers.

First, thank you fro reading and for caring enough to write a not to me.

Second, I wrote two chapters that should close out the story to the satisfaction of my readers. If not, I'm sure I'll hear from you!

Chapters 5 and 6 will be posted as soon as possible.

Thanks for caring and I love all of you!


A New Short Story To Kill Quarantine Time

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Hi All

I got a little stir crazy and this thing was buzzing in my head, not allowing me to sleep.

No editor, have at it if you find errors.

We are opening up in Oklahoma, went to a bar and had a beer or six tonight! Maybe that explains the story.


Another One Fixed

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Hi All

Well, I fixed another one of my stories. This time it was "I Know You Do". Several readers made similar comments about a few holes in the story. I fixed them and have sent the four edited chapters to Laz to post.

They should go in either tonight or in the morning. I've been taking my time off work to read and fix past stories. In some cases I was fixing my poor writing or spelling or editing/reading.

As we all come out of this trying past six weeks, I wish you all luck. I'm not a big believer in the need to shut down the country, but I am a big believer in washing hands and not sneezing in someones face! Just be civil, polite and clean and everything should work out.

God Bless




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