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Writer Mick: Blog


The Butt Of Choice and Pop Goes The Weasel

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Hi All

My muse got upset because I found a mess of errors in "The Butt Of Choice". I went in and fixed them and added a small bit to make the former neanderthal writing more readable. It is one of my favorites and it warms my heart to have it out there in much better shape.

Then there is "Pop Goes The Weasel". I wrote the one chapter and then my muse whispered in my ear "FINISHED THE DAMN STORY, STUPID!!!!" She doesn't do whisper very well.

Anyway, later today or early Friday, the final three or four chapters (yes I had that much to add) will be posted for your reading pleasure.

And there will be a new chapter of "The Fortune Of The O'Dells" on Sunday morning as well. Things there are about to get interesting (like gold and villains and whores for wives wouldn't be interesting in the Old West)

As a great author has told me WAY too many times,

Read on!


The Fortune Of The O'Dells rolls on

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Hi All

Chapter 5 posted today and so far comments have been very complimentary. Thank you for those.

The wonderful DaveT is my editor and believe me when I tell you that I frustrate him more than the virus! If you are enjoying the reading, it's because if him.

That said, it still amazes me that I can read through my final copy and then send it to DaveT and he can dissect it, then I read it again, and post it. Then when I read it online I'll find something silly like 'her' instead of 'here', or like today 'liked' instead of 'looked'.

Several writers send me corrections, but since DaveT took over my editing those have become few and far between. Thanks again DaveT.

Thanks to Gordon Johnson for his sharp eye as well.

I am currently finished with the outline for "The Passion of the O'Dells" and have three chapters written.

Thanks to you readers this writing thing has become so much fun over the past three years. I know, every once in awhile I post a stinker in the eyes of some, but sometimes it is my mission to see if the same story can get a 1 and a 10 in the scores.

Thank you again. Stay healthy. Have fun.


Chapter 3 of Fortune on Sunday

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Hi All

The first two chapters seem to have been well met, Chapter 3 will be posted on Sunday morning for your reading pleasure.

I would like to remind any and all that the story is fully written and the first 9 chapters have been edited. I am not one of those who post a story and write as I post. I've seen too many where the story died when the author ran out of ideas.

I am currently workiing on "The Passion of the O'Dells" and "The Strawberry Patch Book 4 - Babies Please Don't Go". The goal is to finish SW4 and start posting it at the end of "Fortune" and then finish and post "Passion".

I appreciate your readership and again request that you let me know if you like my efforts and if you find any errors that might slip through the proofreaders and editor.

Thank you


The Fortune Of The O'Dells

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Hi All

The new story begins in the morning. It's a western and tells the story of the start of the O'Dell family fortune. These are the O'Dells from the Mick and Renee stories. We'll follow this branch of the universe from the end of the Civil War to the turn of the century.

Then I'll start a new story that will cover the O'Dells through WW1 and WW2. Then there will be another story taking place during Korea and Viet Nam. Then I'll finish up with a story about the current Mick O'Dell's mother and her history during Viet Nam and in the CIA.

Here's hoping!


Welcome Back, My Friends, To The Show That Never Ends!

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Hi All

With my muse on an indeterminate break, it's a good thing that "The Fortune Of The O'Dells" is in the books. The chapters are being edited by the lovely and talented DaveT. With me, you humble author ignoring his wise guidance too often!

Truth is the new story begins on Sunday and I like it a lot. I hope you do as well. Please don't hold the crazy ramblings of my emptying mind over the past weeks against me.

I promise that you're gonna like this.




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