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Writer Mick: Blog


BANGO! Did it again!

Posted at

Hi All

Well my muse is having a party on the patio! "Salts" has achieved scores from 1 to 10.

Like I said "sick and twisted" is my muse.


One New One and Some Fixed Ones

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Hi All

Well the muse put her foot down. On the gas peddle that is and took off on me.

I fixed five old stories and wrote a new one. The new one is another of those sick, twisted, WTF was he thinking pieces. My editor almost wet his pants!

I hope you enjoy the rewrites of "Breaking The Rules", "Fuck off, Asshole", "Got Milk?", "Bigger Than A Pinky", and "The Last Summer Party of 1969" as well as the sick and twisted "Salts".

And as always, that you so much for reading and voting and commenting and dropping me emails.

Also, I'm one third of the way through Book 4 of "The Strawberry Patch" and Book 2 of "The Fortune of the O'Dells".
As I am wont to do, I don't begin posting a story until it's finished.


Another cleaned up past post

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Hi All

I cleaned up some of the rough edges in "The Last Dance" and posted it today.

I hope all of you are doing well. Covid doesn't seem to have touched my little corner of the world so things are almost back to normal. With the exception of the Regal movie theater. Apparently people will go to bars and Walmart but not go to see the movies. I wonder if that is Covid or the quality of films Hollywood releases.

Have a happy Halloween


Well, I did it again!!!!!

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Hi All

I have once again succeeded in my quest to aggravate the snot out of a wide range of readers!

In finishing "Pop Goes The Weasel" I granted the wishes of those who wanted a finish and ticked off those who like the open end and ended up, once again, with scores from 1 to 10!

I love it when a plan comes together!


Getting Back In The Saddle

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Hi All

I've been so busy of late that I've not been writing. I now understand the advice I got a long time ago. If you are going to write, write often. When you stop you may lose the habit and dull your gift.

I did. So I'm going to just write what comes to mind. Add to some stories that I've let sit.

I definitely did not choose wisely when I stopped, even for a week.




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