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Hi All
The 23rd chapter of The Fortune Of The O'Dells was posted Sunday morning and as soon as I read it, I realized it was not the edited chapter.
I've submitted the correct and edited chapter and Laz should have it up soon.
Sorry, the first several pages were so clunky.
This is also the second to last chapter in the book. The new book The Passion of the O'Dells will debut on Valentines Day.
Hi All
First THANKS! So many well wishers. Have no fear, I have a strong group of people I work with who are keeping and eye and me and have formed a "Get Mick Fatter" Committee that drops off food for me everyday!
I've already taken the time to rewrite and make corrections to "The Pool Party" ( one of my first efforts), "Breaking The Rules" (just a weird one), and "I'm Going Along" (a little piece on the slow degradation and the saving of a marriage).
Now that I'm back in the groove, so to speak, I'll need to worry about carpel tunnel again.
Oh! And a special shout out to my friend and wonderful fellow author Gordon Johnson for having the care to correct and edit my last blog post! When I grow up, I want to be like him!
Hi All
I've been out here living my life and doing my thing for a whole year and Sunday I started to cough. Monday it got worse and I told my boss. He demanded I get to our company's health clinic and get tested for the Covid virus. I had no choice. I did. I got it!
So now I'm parked on my butt at home for 14 days. This is day three and my mind is already going nuts. However, it has given my muse an opening to bust into my busy schedule and make my fingers do the typing thing again.
I might be able to completely finish "Passion Of The O'Dells" in time to start it up right at the end of "The Fortune Of The O'Dells" and THAT will give me time to finish the last Strawberry Patch book.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like what happened in my story "I Love This Virus" is going to happen to me. It's going to be a long and lonely couple of weeks.
Hi All
Yes, I have again been told "You suck" and in a few cases people actually told me why!
I fixed some context issues in "Surprise" and then some name references in "Regency".
And thanks to the people who voted for "Expect Me When You See Me" and brought it up to a score of 8 for about a day. Then back to 7.99. Oh well.
I hope the fixes make the "You Suck" crowd change their votes.
Hi All
Well December has shaped up to be a synopsis of 2020 for me. No I've not gotten the virus, but now in hindsight I think it highly likely that way back in March, I was afflicted with it. It was during our Spring Break and I was on a hotel for a week, alone, because all of the places I went to visit had been closed.
No this month just has been one of question marks. What's going to happen next? How is it going to change tomorrow? Will the changes remain in effect past tomorrow? Should my church move their services to a safe place like WalMart? You know, all of those really weighty questions.
In the mean time, I have had my schedule change so many times it has upset my writing rhythm to the point that I am concerned that I may not have the next Strawberry Patch book ready to go when "The Fortune of the O'Dells" ends.
I'm hoping that over the Christmas to New Years week I'll be able to jump in with both hands and type myself back into the groove. There are also several other projects calling my name and my organizational muse is off somewhere being organizational.
At any rate, if I don't get back to you over the next few weeks, please have a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it), a Happy Holiday (if you don't), and Happy New Year and please be safe if you travel.
In the meantime, I'm hoping that readers will vote "Expect Me When You See Me", Friends and Family", and maybe even "I'll See You When I See You" up into the 8's since they are all sitting at 7.99, 7.93 and 7.86 respectively.
Am I pandering for votes? Yup! big time!
Thanks again for reading and for your comments.
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