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Writer Mick: Blog


What a month!

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Hi All

Well December has shaped up to be a synopsis of 2020 for me. No I've not gotten the virus, but now in hindsight I think it highly likely that way back in March, I was afflicted with it. It was during our Spring Break and I was on a hotel for a week, alone, because all of the places I went to visit had been closed.

No this month just has been one of question marks. What's going to happen next? How is it going to change tomorrow? Will the changes remain in effect past tomorrow? Should my church move their services to a safe place like WalMart? You know, all of those really weighty questions.

In the mean time, I have had my schedule change so many times it has upset my writing rhythm to the point that I am concerned that I may not have the next Strawberry Patch book ready to go when "The Fortune of the O'Dells" ends.

I'm hoping that over the Christmas to New Years week I'll be able to jump in with both hands and type myself back into the groove. There are also several other projects calling my name and my organizational muse is off somewhere being organizational.

At any rate, if I don't get back to you over the next few weeks, please have a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it), a Happy Holiday (if you don't), and Happy New Year and please be safe if you travel.

In the meantime, I'm hoping that readers will vote "Expect Me When You See Me", Friends and Family", and maybe even "I'll See You When I See You" up into the 8's since they are all sitting at 7.99, 7.93 and 7.86 respectively.

Am I pandering for votes? Yup! big time!

Thanks again for reading and for your comments.


I Was Sitting And Thinking Of Then....

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Hi All

Had a few uninterrupted moments at work and this story sort of flowed out. To say that it might be a tad autobiographical would be accurate. To say that my stories didn't end like this one would also be correct.

This is a big weekend. I don't have to work at all and I plan to finish "Returning To Speak" and do some serious damage on both the next Strawberry Patch and O'Dell saga.

Stay safe and free!


I Just Notice The Countdown Clock Was Still Ticking

Posted at Updated:

Hi All,

I've let myself slip into a state of terrible laziness. Since I've finished writing "The Fortune Of The O'Dells" I actually stopped writing for a few weeks and now it's pure hell to get back into it on a daily basis.

To date I have 8 chapters of the new O'Dell saga done and 10 chapters of the next Strawberry Patch story done.

The today I noticed that I only have 9 weeks of "The Fortune Of The O'Dells" remaining before I need to start the next saga. Needless to say I had a slight freak out and spent a large portion of Thanksgiving and this afternoon writing chapters 11 & 12 of the Strawberry Patch.

Now I just have to finish the next 40 chapters, get them proofread and edited before I can post the first chapter.

I suppose I could blame all this on my muse for not being an evil slave driver, but I can't. It's my fault. I'll get back up to snuff here again tomorrow and Sunday and see how much headway I can make.

Thanks for reading "The Fortune of the O'Dells" and for scoring it to the brink of an 8 score.

I do appreciate your readership and want to honor it with as clean a post as I can provide.



OH! By The Way....

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Hi All

Looking at my story stats makes me a little upset. There is one story that is listed as "Inactive and Incomplete".

This is not my fault! I was going to finish it as soon as the NFL posted the schedule of 2020-2021. That was delayed because of the virus. By the time the schedule was released, I was into other projects and then I was able to go back to work.

Finally, I put off the writing of the story until two of the main characters met. Those characters are the Kansas City Chiefs and the Las Vegas Raiders. I am a Chiefs fan, but I treasure the rivalry with the Raiders. When both teams are strong and having great games, the world is awesome.

They beat us a few weeks ago and it was a typical KC v Oak game. Ugly, hard hitting, and fun to watch. On Nov 22 we go to LV and play them, then I will be able to write the final chapter to the book.

I hate posting an incomplete story and will have it finished as fast as possible after Nov 22. I wonder if it is significant that the story is currently ranked #69 on my list of stories?


I Know You Do - fixed

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Hi All

Well we've survived our first ice storm of the season. We're all happy it's football season here in Oklahoma.

I did a slow read through of "I Know You Do" and found some weird wording and a few places with words that had letters left out. In other words, I cleaned it up and posted the rewritten version today.

Things are slowly getting back to normal-ish. I'm back to writing daily and am now making good progress on The Strawberry Patch:Book 4 and on The Passion Of The O'Dells.

As is my habit, I never post a story until it is fully written, so hopefully one of these will be done when I'm done posting "The Fortune Of The O'Dells".

Also, had a granddaughter born on Oct 28, my third granddaughter.





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