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Hi All
I've been on a mission to go back and fix some of my earlier works. Tonight I finished one of my favorites "I'll See You When I See You". It's in the Mick and Renee Universe.
Part of the reason for the fix was to bring it on line with the continuity of a soon to be posted prequel "The Fortune Of The O'Dells".
The new story will go back many years and tell the story of how the O'Dells became rich and started their tradition of service to our country and their family dedication to honor and trustworthiness.
Thanks for you readership and thanks for scoring the story in the 7's.
Hi All
The next chapter of "Friends and Family" was very hard for me to write. So I thought that I would send out a warning.
I've received a few emails saying that they story has taken a wonderful turn and that it is some of the best stuff I have written, well we'll see what people think after the next chapter.
I've really been thankful for the kind words and compliments. I hope that I'm still worthy over the last 3 or 4 chapters.
Again thank you and I appreciate your readership.
Hi All
It hit me the other day that I was sitting on top of 17 stories in various states of completion. Some were ideas needing to be fleshed out. Some were complete outlines not yet begun. Some were started but stalled.
I was jumping around working on one then another and getting nowhere fast.
I friend and fellow author (although much more accomplished) gave me the advice to finish off the short ones first. So here you are with little fanfare.
A flash story in the Worship of the Butt Universe called The Cricket Butt.
Hi All
First, thank you to all who noticed that I had posted Chapter 20 again this morning. I'm an idiot!
Second, Laz quickly posted Chapter 21 almost as soon as I submitted it. Reprieved!
Third, you may now read it and try to figure out where the heck the story is going and who is doing what, to whom, before giving it a 10. A hint!
Thank you so much for reading and for the notes letting me know that I am not only a sketchy writer, but an inept posted! A joke!
I appreciate all of you! The truth!
Hi All
My poor old brain needed a break!
Between writing "The Fortune Of The O'Dell's" and "The Strawberry Patch Book 4 - Babies Please Don't Go" and keeping up with the reading of Micheal Loucks and Tefler, my brain hurt.
I opened my "Other Projects" file and the next thing on the list was to revise "I Know You Do". I went back through and looked at all the comments and found some common issues. I went back and did some additional writing on the story and I think I made it a better read. The ending is certainly not as rushed as I had originally made it.
If you'd like to read it again, I would appreciate any feedback.
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