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Writer Mick: Blog


Happy Sunday To All

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Hi All

Along with the latest installment of "The Strawberry Patch", this Sunday will also have a complete reposting of all of the stories in the "Worship of the Butt Universe".

These were all written without an editor and had several errors. My two current editors have taught me a lot as they work on my stuff, so I applied their teaching to these early stories.

I don't know if they are better as stories, but they are certainly better from a writing stand point.

Thank you all again for your readership. I am more grateful than I can express.


Happy New Year And....

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Hi All

Happy New Year to all. I hope it is a great year for all of us.

In my effort to fix some of my earlier poor writing efforts. I have just gone over and made some edits and corrections and, I think, improvements to "The Butt Of Choice", my favorite of "The Butt" universe stories. It will repost as soon as possible

Chapter 47 of "The Strawberry Patch" is in the queue and will post Sunday morning like normal. I meant to end the story back in 2019, but it kept flowing.

Finally, I see that someone has nominated me for a Clitorides Award as Best Author. Thank you to whoever did it, and thank you to any and all who might vote for me.

Again Happy New Year and as Tiny Tim said, "God bless us, every one."


Friends and Family

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Hi All

Being just a poor old country boy, I can't afford to give gifts to all my readers, so I decided to post two more chapters of "Friends and Family".

I'll post Chapter 2 on Christmas Eve morning and Chapter 3 on Christmas Day.

These two chapters have been edited by DaveT and I am so thankful for his efforts in fixing my garbage and teaching me to be a better writer.

The rest of the book will begin regular posting after the first of the year and after I finish with The Strawberry Patch:Book 3.

Thank you for allowing me to indulge my habit and for following my stories.

Merry Christmas to all.


More corrections

Posted at Updated:

Hi All

Well, my move to Oklahoma is done and I'm working and trying to adjust to the new schedule.

My writing has taken a hit and I am so thankful that I took the advice of some of my online author friends and wrote well ahead of my posting schedule.

I haven't written anything new in several weeks, so I decided to look over some of the older stories that never had an editor and do some self editing. "You Are NOT The Father" has been posted with corrections and edits.

As I get back into the swing of things, I'll get back to writing new material. Askepot and DaveT have been editing my current work and I appreciate their patience with my pace.

"Friends and Family" should be ready to post in another month or so and Book 3 of The Strawberry Patch is nearing the end, assuming that I can get back to writing.


More, more news!

Posted at Updated:

Hi All

I am sitting in my hotel in Limon, Colorado. Of all the states in the US that I have driven in, Colorado, far and away, has the worst roads. They should be ashamed.

Tomorrow I drive to Bartlesville, Oklahoma and stay in a hotel for a couple of nights and then move into my new apartment on Sunday. Looks like the weather will be sunny and in the 60's after three days of thunderstorms and rain.

Good sign, I think.

I've gotten a few replies regarding the first chapter of "Friends and Family". I like the story I've written and DaveT's editing had made it better. I do hope that you like it.




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