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Hi All
Goodness! The comments have been really interesting.
I have to admit that when I wrote the beginning for the first chapter, my idea was to write four different endings.
There was going to be one for the BTB fans. One for the cuckold fans. One for the Scorched earth fans. And one that was going to be a twisted Mick finish.
Thanks to all who have commented. Even those who will give the story a 1 score when the ending doesn't fit their ilk.
Hi All
First thanks for the comments on "I Know You Do". Some seem confused over my style.
I'm a very calm and level headed guy. It takes a lot to set me off. I'm much more likely to walk away than do scortched earth.
Several have asked me to write the next chapter a certain way. But I never start posting chapters until the whole story is done. After the last two chapters on Fri and Sat, depending on comments and suggestions, I may make changes.
Thanks again to my readers.
Hi All
Every once in awhile, I get writers block and things get all bunched up and have to pull out a few things to break the log jam.
Most of the ideas never see the light of day. Some get posted to see what sort of reaction the story engenders in my readers. But most get typed out and put in a special file that is then buried until I need it again.
This time this story took on a life of its own, so I'm posting it. There are four chapters and I'll post one each day. Voting and comments are turned on, so I would like your opinion, if you have one. Maybe one will make me change the story for the better.
Thank you again for your readership. I appreciate your support.
Hi All
It had to happen! I would like to announce two projects in the early stages.
So many of you wrote to me that they wished me to write more about both Mick and Kendi from the "I Was Sitting" Universe that I finally went back and read them and saw another story in the timeline.
So just to let you know that I have begun to write "I Was Sitting At Home With My Family On A Saturday Afternoon". I have finished two chapters and , as always, I will begin to post the story when I have finished writing it.
I've also begun to make notes before I do the outline to do a story about Mick's mom, from "I'll See You When I See You" and "Expect Me When You See Me", and her adventures before those with her son and Renee and the kids.
I was going to go to Patreon and get folks to pay for the stories, but I guess I am not much of a businessman. It seemed like too much work for too little reward. If I was good enough to gather a huge following like my favorite authors Tefler and my friend Michael Loucks, it might have been different.
I just enjoy writing, even those dumb little stories that score in the 5's that I have to spit out in order to clear the road for other stuff.
Thanks for your readership and your encouragement, I really do appreciate it.
Hi All
Today I edited and fixed the mess that was "A Cheating, Piece Of Shit, Slut". I was a little thing I wrote a year ago in November. Again with no one to check my spelling or my poor use of the English language, it was full of errors.
Today, I watched the KC Chiefs opening pre-season game while reading and fixing the story. I also had a very nice dish of sauteed garlic and mushrooms and a bowl of edamame and a nice local beer.
I'm pretty happy with the changes and feel that the story now had more of the humor I had in my head when I originally wrote it.
Also, Chapter 26 of "The Strawberry Patch Book 3" is ready to post in the morning
Thanks to those of you who choose to read my efforts and who make comments.
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