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Hi All
I finished off another one!
"Don't Close Your Eyes" was inspired by the great Keith Whitley's song.
Hi All
After five straight weeks without a day off and every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday being a 12-13 hour day, I am off for three weeks!
The first few days I just lay in bed and slept and was generally lazy. No TV. I got out of bed to make a PB&J and went back to bed.
Wednesday evening I felt an overwhelming urge to get out of bed and do something. I did laundry, showered, dressed, packed a suitcase and got into the car. It was pointed northeast, so I stepped on the gas and now I'm five hours from home and have a hotel room and I started looking at the stories I had begun and left for lack of time and motivation.
Today I'm posting the first of the resurrected survivors. It is incredibly close to the truth in the beginning but everything after the shower scene is 100% fantasy on my part.
Other stories are moving forward and life won't get crazy again for about six months. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can finish off and post.
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Hi All
Now that the story is half over I've turned on the comments. Maybe I'll hear from the one person that gave the story a 2, and the one person who gave it a 3, and the one person who gave it a 4, and the one person who gave it a 5.
Seriously, I'd love to hear from these folks.
Hi All
This is the name of my new story. You know the little short thing that was to clear my mind so I could go back to the next O'Dell Saga or the last Strawberry Patch book.
Yeah, it took on a,life of it's own and now numbers 10 chapters plus a short prologue just to tease you all a little and get the 1 voters pissed off.
Per usual, if anyone finds errors let me know.
Love you!
Real life has jumped on my poor old fuzzy butt. I thought I would have another story ready to post my now, but it's not finished and as my readers know, I won't start to post a story until it's done. By the way, it's called "There and Back" and it's up to nine chapters and 48K words.
On another note, one of my readers, a poor soul who stumbled on a story, like it and got hooked, asked me what was my favorite story so he could read that next. That set the gears to burning a lot of lube. After the smoke cleared I came up with a list of sorts.
The reader never specified if they wanted to know my favorites to write or my favorites to read, so I mixed and matched. Here it is:
1-Mick and Keri - it was my first and at 783KB one of my largest. I began the process of going over it for errors and posting the corrected chapters and got bogged down in RL. I had no editor but I did have a few wonderful people who found errors and sent them to me.
2-A Small Drop In A Famous Butt - you all should know that I truly appreciate a nice butt. I've said in my stories that I think that the phrase "more than a handful is a waste" applies to butts and not tits. This was my first time writing down one of my silly thoughts. It's still a favorite to read when I feel down.
3-The Fortune of the O'Dells
4-The Passion of the O'Dells - the two highest scoring stories I've written. I'm working on "The Strength of the O'Dells" right now and when it's done I'll combine "I'll See You When I See You" and "Expect Me When You See Me" into the last book in the Mick and Renee O'Dell Universe.
5-The Strawberry Patch Series - This was an emotional story since it was the first time I fell in love with a character and then killed them off. Man did I catch hell for that. I also got a ton of compliments.
6-Another Dark And Stormy Night - I was sitting in the local library with a few others who write and the person leading the discussion brought up the old cliche of how to start a story. It stuck with me and so I started to write. I sat and thought about it for a few minutes and the whole story popped into my head fully developed. The first chapter was short and each chapter got longer. They each seemed to start out in a similar manner and I got some hate mail to get on with the blasted story. When all was said and done, it became the 6th highest grade of all my stories.
7 - Don't Get Mad - My 2018 NCAA Basketball pool was shot when Virginia lost in the first round. I was mad and then I remembered something my dad said, "Don't Get Mad, Don't Get Even, Get One Up". This story is the result.
8- The Finest Butt I Have Ever Known - This was my first attempt at a sappy love story. I may go back and write the ending in a different way. Down deep, I'm a hopeless romantic. This is proof positive.
9-Have You Ever Had The Feeling That Something Was Going To Happen? - One of my forays into the Cheaters Universe. This just came out of my fingers one afternoon and suddenly there it was. As with many of my stories the payoff is right at the end.
10-ARGH! I don't know. At this point there are so many that come o mind for different reasons. I wrote 2 stories with Nick Scipio's permission as addendums to his "Summer Camp" stories. Both were well received and even the TERB like them.
Then there was what is the one I'm most proud of even thought it's not under my name. When the author Xalir passed away, he left a couple of stories unfinished. I enjoyed his work and his style so when the call went out for authors to finish some of this stories I offered to do one. After reading the beginning of the story, I chatted with the man overseeing the project and he gave me the go ahead and I finished the last seven chapters of Xalir's "Dreamweaver".
So there you have it. Now you can write and tell me I left out your favorite and tell me that I suck. To tell you the truth, if I sit down and do it again, much of the list might change and again the time after that. So that's where I'm gonna drop the mic.
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