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Writer Mick: Blog


The End

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Hi All

So we come to the end of "On Guard" and another story of a branch of the O'Dell family. I just posted Chapter 30 with some corrections that the damned editing faeries missed the first time.

The Next story is called "There and Back" and although an O'Dell is in the story, I haven't decided yet if he is family or not. As usual, I don't begin posting a story until it's finished.

I still get people pissed that I post once a week, can you imagine if it took three because I couldn't finish a chapter!?

Thanks again for your readership and support.


I Love My Readers!

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Hi All

I got sunburned Friday! Arms and the back of my neck hurt. I'll survive.

One of my readers left a note in the comments that the Prologue for "On Guard" didn't mesh with the story. He was correct so I fixed the Prologue and it will post tonight.

You know, I do this for fun. In many ways it's therapy. So I can blow off the "You suck" comments and the corrections people send are wonderful, event he ones that start off "You suck".

I don't have use of an editor. I usually have time to write late at night when I have to erase large passages like "sssssssssssssssssss" or ";qwrcukt 1v". The first when I nod off with my finger on the "s" key and the second when my forehead hits the keyboard and wakes me up.

I read through every story at least three times per chapter and I catch most of the errors, but the writing faeries still sneak some through. That is why I always appreciate the correction in spelling or diction of when something in a story is just flat out wrong and screws with the narrative.

So thank you readers. Thank you Coullpert. Thank you Prof C. Thank you Michael Loucks. And thank you, especially, to those who write and offer ideas and corrections.

Oh, yeah! You aren't going to believe the next story. I can only blame a total lack of frozen virgin margaritas. I need to take out more tequila!


Switched At Death - Next Part

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Hi All

Well chapter 1 went out this morning. I guess it was a good tease but would you believe it two assholes actually complained that it was too short AND that they didn't read stories that were only teases. Said he'd come back in a year to catch the end.

Someone never learned lesson 1 in the Life manual. Don't Be A Dick!

So Chapter 2 & 3 will post Tuesday. Chapters 4 & 5 on Wednesday and Chapter 6 on Thursday. (Is that fast enough for you dickhead? Is that worth the price you're paying?) I promised to do that in a blog a few days ago. I guess morons don't read blogs for free either.

Anyway, two more chapters today. I hope you like them.


My Head Hurts!

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Hi All

I finished "On Guard" It will continue to post each Sunday morning until the last chapter, Chapter 30, is posted.

So all of a sudden the damn broke and I have all these stories rushing out in bits and pieces. One of them just grabbed me and I finished it tonight. It is 8 chapters and the first will post on Monday May 16th.

Now to calm the jittering nerves of those who complain that once a week is not enough, I'll let you know right now that I'm going to toss this one out. One chapter on Monday, two each on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and the final chapter on Friday.

No voting until the end. I know that won't stop the people who through 1's just because they don't like the site. I'm told there are several who don't think these stories should see the light of day and don't read the stories they just got to the end of the story and vote a 1. The Fortune of the O'Dells got over 460 10 votes and one 1. Go figure.

Oh well, I only use the votes to judge if I'm hitting or missing. If I get too many, you sucks, I blow off the genre and go fishing elsewhere.

Thanks for reading


Fixed A Favorite!

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Hi All

I just finished fixing the spelling and context errors in one of my favorite stories.

I wrote "Swapped, Unswapped" in April 2020. I was still learning how to write good! And I didn't have the cojones to ask someone to edit for me. Need less to say there were some interesting errors, other than my normal spelling errors or the normal autocorrect errors.

Anyway, I finished fixing it today and sent all five chapters to Laz to post on Wednesday morning while I sleep in.

What made it one of my favorites? I liked the dilemma that a man gets into when his wife and the wife of his best friend decide that it would be the ultimate act of love if they would swap.

Writing about the emotions from all angels was an interesting exercise. Then the wives had doubts, but they also had a long running affair between themselves.

I'm happy with it now, and now I can move on to the next Strawberry Patch story and now I can finish compiling the fourth book in the O'Dell saga and be done with it.

By the way, thanks for the votes that placed "The Fortune of the O'Dells" as the number 1 Western Erotic story. I don't know who nominated me, but thank you very much.




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