Writer Mick: Blog



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Hi All

I just took a look at the Clitorides voting and got a surprise! WOW!

The next chapter of "On Guard" pops on Sunday AM. It's amazing that so many of the things people have been worried about and making suggestions about, are already handled in the story.

It's all done.

All that's left is you guys sharp eyes catching the errors that the writing faeries slip in after the editors and proofreaders declare everything to be perfect!

Thanks for the support in Clitorides and for reading and for caring enough to write notes.


I New Week, A New Chapter of

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Hi All

Now that the world is again spinning in the correct direction and our two-day ice and snow storm are over, Chapter 13 of "On Guard" will post on Sunday morning.

Our young couple and their parents and friends keep moving forward. The bad guys don't go away. But the good news keeps coming!

I hope you enjoy the ride.


I Love You Guys!!!!!

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Hi All

Some additional comments by you readers caused me to fix a few points in chapters 10 & 11. These things made the story factually correct.

The fact that readers feel free to let me know how to make the stories better without the "You Suck!" part is wonderful.

Thank you all for reading and thank you for comments.

I also wanted to thank a reader, Murphygirl1, for her readership. Way, way back in the dark ages of January 1, 2017 when I posted the first chapter of my first story "Mick and Keri", Murphygirl1 was my first commenter. Her notes, while short and to the point, have been a constant of positive support.

Thank you Murphygirl1.

And thank you readers. Moving forward I hope to mess up less and write more better (that was for my dear grammar friends)


Here It Comes!!!!!

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Hi All

It took some time but starting tomorrow (Sunday) "On Guard" will be up to speed and the new chapter will post.

The rewrite has received very good comments so it appears that I have not screwed the pooch.

Per usual, if you catch errors send them to me and I'll fix them. It never fails that no matter how many eyes see something, the speel check fairies and the grammar goblins always manage to sneak in something!


Chapter 10 Error Fixed

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Hi All

The rewritten Chapter 10 of On Guard was posted this AM. It had an error. There is a letter with the sender and the sendee deleted.

I'm still getting used to the little controls for turning on and off text enhancements. Now the letter is correct. Sorry about that.

The last rewritten chapter will post tomorrow morning and then we'll resume posting the original chapters again every Sunday.





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