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Hi All
Later today a short prologue will be posted that will begin the filling of "The Children's Table Universe".
The prologue will introduce some characters and set up the first story which will post this weekend.
I hope you like it.
Oh! I have also finished a story for Laz's 2022 Halloween story contest. My first Halloween story was rough and not one of my favorites, now a couple of years later, I'm gonna take another shot at it. I hope you'll read it and enjoy.
Hi All
Don't get excited! I just turned on the comments for the "Team Is Family" Universe. So if you have anything to say about Tina, Deena, Candy or Simon, go for it!
Just remember, "You Suck!" is redundant!
Hi All
So I took a couple of weeks vacation and I let myself get out of the habit of writing everyday. Then I got back and found that I couldn't get started again. Then I got Covid AGAIN and took a couple of days and forced myself to sit down and write.
The results are "Simon" the next story in the Team is Family Universe. and a few more chapters in Book 4 of the Strawberry Patch - Baby Please Don't Go and a few more bits of The Strength of the O'Dells.
Every once in awhile I scream "Squirrel!" and my mind takes off on a tangent so I'm sorry that I'm not on top of things. As my readers know by now, I don't begin to post anything until it is completely written.
I mean can you imagine me waiting for three months to post the next chapter of a story? It would drive us all nuts.
So, I hope you enjoy "Simon" and I'm back in the saddle again!
Hi All
That's the name of the next story in the "Team is Family" universe. This is a collection of things that happened. It goes in several directions and end with something wonderful.
Remember that I can't have the story join the Universe until it posts. So don't send me any notes that it's missing in the Universe. It won't be.
Hi All
I've turned on the comments for the "Team is Family" Universe. Please be kind. Remember, "You Suck" is redundant and need not be repeated.
Thoughts you may have on "Tina", "Candy", "Deena' , and "Not What The Doctor Ordered" are welcome. My intent is that these many short stories will meld together to form and story but be aware that they are not necessarily in chronological order. They are in the order that they come into my poor old brain.
Thanks to Coulpert who has done the painful job of reading what I write and correcting my American English when needed and my atrocious typing at all times. If you catch any errors email them to me, they are not his fault since I will often reword something after he has corrected it.
Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate it.
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