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Hi All
You asked and this time I was able to grant it.
"The Tale of Chris and Elizabeth O'Dell Part 2" will be presented today for your reading pleasure.
I do hope you enjoy it. It's been edited and corrected as best as LibreOffice and MS Word and do. I also read through it twice at between 1 and 3 AM.
Hi All
One of my favorite stories was from a year ago. In the process of getting my muse of her fuzzy butt I went back and looked over some older stories.
"Swapped Unswapped" was clunky. It was done without an editor and my proofreading was not good. So, now that I am a year smarter, I went back through, word by word, and cleaned it up.
It should post sometime today. I do hope the new version clears things and is more enjoyable.
Hi All
Before I go back to my other main stories, I had one more short one started that I felt the need to finish.
It's called "The Tale of Chris and Elizabeth O'Dell" and it's a western.
Chapter 1 will post today and Chapter 2 will post on Saturday.
Oh! BTW, my computer crashed a few times during the final writing phase. I think I got all of the errors but if not, please let me know and I'll fix them so you have a clean story for your files.
Hi All
I dropped a little quicky that should post on Christmas Eve morning.
It is the mostly true story of the week I got married.
As my friend Michael Loucks would say, "Lord, have mercy!"
Hi All
The last story I posted was called "The Tale Of Sheriff O'Dell" and I was pleased with it. Then my good friends, you know the ones who follow me and catch every mistake I make and then lovingly let me know that I suck, contacted me and told me, and I quote, "Hey Mick! You Suck!"
Actually a few very good fans caught a few things that didn't fit. Things like locations and correct tribes of Native Americans for the location of the story. I cross checked their advice and son of a gun my friends had come through again.
In the process of making the changes to the story that brought its level of reality way up, I also caught a few other errors and holes in the story. I have corrected them and added some background to make the story whole.
Thanks to those who set me right and made the story a hell of a lot better read. The corrected 2 chapter story should post late tonight or in the morning.
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